It is July of the year 2015 A.D., and all seems normal to the people of earth. Little does humanity know, the judgement day has just passed. Only a few million people were selected to leave earth with God, and silently they passed from our world. The rest have been left behind to the devices of Satan and his minions. For Toronto, Canada, and the rest of earth everything is about to change - for the worse. Cracks begin to open in the surface of earth, and from them spew thousands of demons of all shapes and sizes. The armies of earth slaughter and burn everything they can get their hands on. The earth is ravaged, and the apocalypse is upon the human race. Can you, alongside friends both old and new, survive the cataclysmic events that are soon to follow? Or will you perish, as many others already have? Can you stop the abysmal invasion, or find yourself in a world of no lights? [hider=CS skeleton] Name: Age: Appearance (preferably a picture): Bio: Talents: [/hider] [hider=Varieties of Demons] Scratchers: Half the height of humans, with long claws on each hand. Very fast but easy to kill due to their slender, frail bodies. Coughers: The size of a large rat with scorpion like bodies. They aren't very fast, but they can jump very high. They land on their victims mouth and cough a fluid into it, melting the soul and turning them into a demon. Golemites: 8 foot tall, lumbering giants. They are slow, but strong, and very hard to kill Black Knights: Souls that haven't taken the form of a monster demon. Skeletons wielding swords and wearing suits of armour. Very well trained fighters and very relentless. Drivers: How most people imagine a demon; 7 feet tall, body builder muscles, large wings, hooves for feet, and two long horns on their head. They are the highest ranking demons of hell, and each wields a unique weapon. [/hider] [hider=Characters] [/hider]