Melissa was late to the briefing. As usual. She'd gotten used to it. Nowadays, her best mode of transportation was the bus, which always dropped her off at least a couple of blocks away from where she actually needed to be. At least her legs were reliable. Autohacks just weren't worth the risk anymore, not unless she had to move quickly. This was almost never the case. She didn't know much about ENKI, other than the rumours and stuff everyone already knew. She didn't care much about it either, up until now anyways. But then, ENKI didn't know a thing about her either, she wagered. Some small comfort, she figured. With a steady step, and umbrella in hand to keep her dry, she walked onto the parking lot for the leaky faucet. She was fairly sure she wasn't followed, she'd triple-checked. Twice. Some kid had already worked his way into a van, and was still getting through the process of setting the autopilot. A warbot stood not too far away, perplexed. Her coworkers, she inferred, drawing attention to themselves already. She figured she'd give them the benefit of the doubt, and maybe none of them owned a car or something, and a giant killbot wasn't going to be subtle enough to walk all the way to wherever it was they were going. She walked up to the robot, somewhat apprehensively, since the kid was clearly busy. "You're with Steelhead, right?", she asked. "I missed the briefing by just this much, you wouldn't mind catching me up, would you?"