[b]The Conference Room of Death[/b] Yakoul appeared completely unfazed by Izari's sudden change in appearances and behavior, it actually made the creature appear slightly less hostile and a little more passive with its eyes closing off slightly as of course it awaited an answer. Upon catching the jug of sake thrown by the beat up Jinchuuriki with its tail, the member wrapping its end around the item. Because Yakoul was more focused on Izari, it only gave a thumbs up to Nikuya without actually turning to face her and thank her. Though all those around Yakoul knew how easily it could be captivated with things it was curious about, so the two kitty cats could probably understand each other here. Yakoul actually raised en eyebrow when the "dark side" of Izari began speaking of how much it didn't care about stuff and was ready to kill off Yakoul for something it didn't even retain out of sheer lack of interest in his ideas. All it wanted was to intimidate, and being unfazed was just as good. It even took a sip off the sake as the tentacle redhead finished his somewhat zealot rant, only to burp on his face when he started to turn away as if he was convinced this was over. "[b]So... If you don't care, then that means you're cool with a little forced entry in da' booty? I mean you sure made yourself look pretty for the occasion.[/b]" Said the sassy Yakoul as it then took another drink before one of those repugnant summons started to take interest in it. Ra's presence was already something it was forced to take account of and have to deal with considering all the trust issues it would have with her for some reason, but now it had an uncanny fan acting all feisty toward what taste Yakoul could have. When it set itself on Yakoul, the creature had froze for a second. The alcohol merged with a high absorption of natural energy had finally done it. The monster was finally released. Yakoul's left eye had its sclera turn black and its pupil turn yellow while keeping its cat-like features. As the creature plunged its teeth on Yakoul's head, the now out of control cat had snagged the being from the neck with its nearest hand, plunging its claws into its flesh and pulled it upwards as a mother cat would carry her children with its mouth by the neck's flesh. If the creature had begun to resist or try to attach, the claws would dig into the muscles, allowing Yakoul to forcibly neutralize the monster's head movements. Though this carrying was actually really short lived. As soon as it was picked up, the monster had used its Kekkei Genkai's Sage transformation to multiply its strength by at least ten folds, its muscle mass turning much large on its corresponding arm, the poor summoning would be thrown to the ground with immense brute force. Having it crash down into the concrete right next to Yakoul with tremendous strength, an impact crater was left on the ground with many fissures branching out of the central hole. Yakoul would then swiftly turn toward the impact, expecting a stunned summoning from such an impact, it lifted its foot in the air only to crash it back down on the tentacle monster's head. This would go on and on for about five time, enough to completely squish the head into nothing. "[b]The fuck do you think YOU ARE TOUGH GUY?! HUH?!! CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT! Do NOT GET BACK UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!![/b]" Shouted the monster as it beat down to the the oblivious creature who was a bit too curious for its own good. Finishing with one last stomp, it kept its orange shoe on the destroy head splatter and turn its head to the other summonings. Its stare was filled with nothing but malice, anyone or anything that could witness this kind of glare could see how easily the creature could act without reason. They could see how easily it could kill just because it could, like it was as common as saying hello and just as courteous too. The cat creature was panting slightly, not out of extensive effort but out of pure, senseless rage for whatever looked at it funny. It was release steam that it generated pretty much itself or originated from something no one could really prevent. Many low level soldiers were frightened of Yakoul for this, as it could easily beat them down to near death for breathing at a bad rate it did not like. Of course it wouldn't kill them out of respect for the empress, however such vile summonings were easily replaceable and not direct soldiers or citizens anyway. Even so, it could just blame it for assaulting an official Empire officer. "[b]Yeah well screw you guys too.[/b]" It randomly said, thinking it was being judged for something. Perhaps this was a sign of Yakoul's conscience, a hope for those who believed it was a lost cause. the monster turned to Nikuya and tossed the jug of sake onto the hand it preciously used to grab the monster so it could use its tail to pick up a seat for Nikuya to sit on. It had set the object right behind her while the creature entered a somewhat meditation-like sitting stance, legs crossed, on the ground as if it were pouting. It would then quite frequently take sips from the jug filled with sake, bringing forth the empire's staff's nightmare faster and faster with every drink. Of course, its focus was lost an probably forgot what it was doing with Izari in the first place.