[center]Royal Blood[/center] [center]Jason Drake[/center] "The City of Liveria..." Jason thought to himself as they rode into the city's gates. The place was so quiet and barren of life. There was a gloom that seemed to blanket the city, with the murder and all the witches that seemed to plague this region it would make sense why it would be. His horse snorted and shook her head with obvious dislike, as if she was saying "I don't like it here." Seemed to ring in his head. No he wasn't telepathic nor his horse but the bond between them over the years made it easy for Jason to read her. He patted her neck and said softly, " Easy there Shay... Stop being a scairdy cat." Shay let out a whine and looked back at him, her eyes seemed to say." How dare you call me that." He smiled as he patted her neck again. As they approached the palace, they stopped and dismounted, everyone tying off their horses save for him. He never worried about someone stealing Shay... They would have a hard time with her if they tried. They walked up the stairs and made it to the top were they were faced with large doors, guarded by a pair of heavily armed men covered head to toe in chain mail, and wearing helmets that obscured their faces. They seemed almost as vacant of life as the stone around them. He glanced over at Mikan someone he did not fancy on the ride over. Always so loud and obnoxious... Yet he respected her... You don't get on the Queens blade for no reason. Even if styles conflict. She then spoke up. "Hiya! Name's Mikan, meee-kan, me-kan, got it? Okay! We're the blades sent to help your king! Courtesy of our queens." He wanted to face palm himself when she did this but he held his stance, as silent and ridged like the guards that stood before him. His work depended on being still, so much it was just second nature now. The guards seem perplexed for a moment before shaking their heads and stepping aside, knocking on the door in a certain pattern. The doors open a few moments later, and with a wink, Mikan motions the party inside, giggling as she too enters the royal palace... It took only a few minutes from that point. As they moved towards the throne room his eyes constantly scanned the halls and rooms they passed. Looking for an escape plan... Just in case. He did no different when they entered the throne room. Trying to spy out any guards hiding in the dark corners. But with the light situatied as it was, he had no luck for the moment. He looked forward and saw the crown prince sitting in his thrown. Beside him sat his daughter, a teenage woman, also obscured by darkness. Obviously intentional, the rangers used their cowl for the same reason. To create a sense of mystery, fear, intimidation... Make them larger than life. No doubt in this case. The bird was a nice touch though. As if the bird symbolized the distance between the crown prince and all others. As most monarchy do to make themselves "divine" Mikan bows her head, then gets down onto one knee. "I am Mikan, and these are my compatriots..." At which he followed. His cowl now covering his entire face. The crown prince then asked,"What, are your names... And why did you choose to volunteer to come to a kingdom which openly disdains the one you work for." Jason noted that the crown princes's eyes seem to hesitate on Rayvon for a moment, before moving between the rest. He remained silent as the others spoke. First Rayne Walker whom he didn't like off the get go. Perhaps it was the way he talked and carried himself. But he didn't show it. Then Ceann, he didn't get much out of the she elf during the journey... Nor did he talk much as of yet to anyone in the party. It was obvious it was his turn and he looked up at the crown prince and his daughter. So farthe explanations were to bring the two country's closer together or because he asked. He said in a calm voice, " I am Jason Drake, Kings Ranger. We seek for Justice everywhere... Including your kingdom M'lord even if you do not like us, my duty is to bring those responsible to justice. You have asked the queens for help and I am here at your disposal. We will find out who is responsible for the murders."