[img]http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/images/paintings/lams/large/llr_lams_l_f755_1977_0_0_large.jpg[/img] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/152UhwtNMY-OWhfDyqDCPMLxO0hbkweqo9bdD2EVNejE/edit?usp=sharing]Information on the Regions of Westeros and their military might[/url] [url=http://awoiaf.westeros.org/]A Wiki of Ice and Fire[/url] Finished but yet-to-be-approved House/Character sheets go here: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1805/posts/ooc]Pending Character Sheets[/url] Finished and Approved House/Character Sheets go here: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1803/posts/ooc]Accepted Character Sheets[/url] Big Collab Link: [url=http://piratepad.net/CpPt59Bvxu]Collab[/url] The year is 157 AC (After/Aegon's conquest). Westeros has spent the best part of three decades rebuilding after the disastrous civil war known as 'The Dance of the Dragons.' Not only was the realm devastated in the conflict between two Targaryen claimants, but the royal dynasty's power and influence was crushed and the dragons slain or missing. In the wake of the conflict, the newly crowned Aegon III set about reinforcing Targaryen power. While there were several small isolated conflicts, this largely took place on the shadow battlefield of courtiers and agents, the young king acting with a ruthless determination born from growing up at the heart of the terrifying conflict. Eventually his younger brother, Viserys Targaryen, who had been captured by Essosi pirates during the civil war, returned to Westeros and contributed to the King's efforts, and as the years went on and Aegon slipped increasingly into depression, Viserys took on an ever larger role in running the nation, as the Hand of the King. While confidence in the Iron Throne was rebuilt, the Targaryens cannot hope to yet command the loyalty or fear they inspired prior to the Dance, not just because their dragons are no more, but because many still remember the countless fields of fire which covered the lands. This year, Aegon has died on Dragonstone, a sudden illness the official reason for his death, and his young son, Daeron, has been crowned King of the Iron Throne. Daeron may be young and headstrong, but he is not incompetent and has devised a plan to secure the place of the Targaryens above the Lords of Westeros. He sees the continued independence of Dorne as a blight on Targaryen honour and seeks to kill two birds with one stone. Crush the Dornish and win the loyalty of the continent. His banners are already called, the armies of the Iron Throne biting at the bit to be unleashed. So begins the conquest. [b]Realm Index[/b] [b]Crownlands[/b] [*]House Targaryen (Zacharius) [*]All banner houses free [*]Small council open (other than Hand of the King) [b]Riverlands[/b] [*]House Tully (Open) [*]All banner houses open [b]Westerlands[/b] [*]Lannisters: (HeySeuss) [*]All banner houses open [b]The Reach[/b] [*]House Tyrell (free for application) [*]House Hightower (Serpentine8) [*]All other banner houses free [b]The Stormlands[/b] [*]House Baratheon (Historian) [*]House Caron of Nightsong (Jorick) [*]All other banner houses free [b]The Vale[/b] [*]House Arryn (open) [*]All banner houses free [b]The Iron Isles[/b] [*]House Greyjoy (open) [*]All banner houses free [b]The North[/b] [*]House Stark (Ruby) [*]All banner houses free [b]Dorne[/b] [*]House Martell (Sinistred) [*]House Dayne (Vanquished) [*]House Yronwood (Automatic-pending arrival) [*]All other banner houses free [b]Other[/b] [*]None so far [b]House Sheet[/b] House Sigil: House Name: House Words: House Decription/General Information (optional): (the following repeat for each player character) Name: Age: Appearance (picture and/or words): Personality: Biography: [*]A note on non-canon houses Because the RP is set well before the events of the book, every single house is pretty much a player creation, with very few guidelines being put in place for force certain characters. Thus it has been decided that non-canon houses, i.e. of the player's creation, will not be accepted. All this really means is players can't create claims to territory, and have to pick an existing coat of arms.