She looked at him with a raised eyebrow before fixing her glasses. His name was Doctor? Doctor Who? Then again, she has heard weirder sos he would not comment about it. He wanted her name? Why was he trying to make conversation. As far as she was concerned he was some man, some clever man, that was trying to get a package from her. A freaking package!!!! This package is just not freaking worth it. She has no idea why she is doing this. Oh yeah, her friend. GO FRIENDSHIP!!! She then sighed before speaking. Which ended uo turning into a slight ramble. "My name is Violet, pleasure to meet you Doctor. By the way, Doctor Who? I mean, I am not completely sure why I care but I just do. I've heard many weird names and I've never heard anything quite like it. Doctor. Doctor, Doctor, Doctor. Doctor." She said over and over again, seeing how it sounded on her tongue. "I believe I can get used to that. Anyway, I'm going to stop talking now because I have a huge thing where I ramble. Well, it isn't rambling to me, I just naturally speak fast. My brain works fast. I am told. And I really am just gonna shut up now. I apologize for my terrible rambling habit." She even covered her mouth with her hand in order to shut up. She didn't mean to be that way. It just happened. Been doing it since she was a child. A habit. A habit she has been trying for 8 years to break.