"Ideals and ideologies both of their merits in the world we live in." She reached out gently to grasp the creature's tentacles and murmured softly to her hornet mix. She didn't look at Izari, too focused on her work in extracting what she needed with as little pain to her subject as possible. "2 MMCC, Lithal. Numb only the immediate area before extracting." the scorpion hornet hummed in acknowledgement before injecting the proper amount of numbing agent. One done the scorpion took the blood sample she needed with its tail. "Chaos, order. Even if your god comes back to rule, others would rise to combat him in any way possible to preserve their lives. Then they cycle will start all over again." She said. "Just as our Empress seeks absolute peace...your god seeks absolute chaos. The problem with chaos is that it has a nasty habit of never bending to anyone's will. For that would go against its very nature. Consider this: Should your god rule this world, why would he be an avatar of chaos? Which, by definition, means that order has no place in his realm? He lords over chaos, but is it true chaos if it is able to be controlled?" she asked him. The stinger was removed, together with a small sample of the creature's tissue. "Excellent work. Go to my room and catalogue the samples under experiment 1-7-A-L." she instructed. The creature bowed then flew off to follow her command. She examined Lithal's work. "Hm. I do believe they are fit to be sent to the medical corps now. This is excellent work. Might weaponize a few of them. They'll be useful for Special Ops." she spoke to herself.