[quote=marioman] May I join this awesome thing [/quote] Definitely! I should inform you guys of one thing. I've only recently been invited for a 4-day camping vacation with some friends of mine, and thus I will probably not be active during monday to thursday. Over the weekend I will continue to "enhance" what will soon be the role-play by adding stuff, working on the star-chart (map), and making up formats and regulations for battles, trades, etcetera. Or it could all be role-play, or a mix of both rules and role-play, but I don't know. Whatever you'd like, just list it below in this thread; its what it is here for, after all! :) I will probably post the actual NRP thread sometime late thursday or friday, at the latest. I didn't want you guys to think I was going inactive, and I don't want you guys to wait too long! Sorry for the long wait, but it wouldn't make sense for me to post the thread tomorrow or sunday only to be interrupted by the camping vacation. Long story short; I won't be online from Monday until Thursday due to a 'vacation of sorts', however the role-play should be up late-Thursday and at the very latest, Friday. Thanks! :)