[b]Name:[/b] Ethan Urhart [b]Age:[/b] 19 (a few weeks younger than his partner, Beth, though he likes to hide that fact.) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance] [img=http://oi61.tinypic.com/14oam94.jpg] Ethan stands a few inches above six feet, and has unruly, rusty-brown hair. His eyes are a light blue, though they seem grey in most light. He's got an insanely fast metabolism, and is thin as a result despite the large amount of food he eats. He's made an effort to stay fit and healthy his entire life, and this habit was only intensified upon his decision to become a Knight. He dislikes being cold, so he tends to wear heavier and more formal clothing. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Ethan has terrible social skills, and he attributes all of his problems to this fact. When it comes to dealing with people, well, he just can't. He's always worried that he'll say or do something wrong, and cause others to dislike him. He lets people walk all over him, and is easily taken advantage of. He tries to avoid conflict with others at all costs. Despite how passive he seems, he's highly opinionated. He just lacks the courage and ability to give his opinion, so he tends to keep it to himself. To counter this, he decided to take advantage of his height and simply try to keep people from talking to him at all. He keeps his face calm but intense, often wearing formal clothing and standing straight with his hands behind his back, in an attempt to give off an authoritative air. The goal is to intimidate those around him enough that they avoid interacting with him. After years of keeping up this persona, he feels stuck in it. He's the serious, quiet kid, and that's the end of that. The only time he ever partially breaks this facade is when he bickers with Beth. He becomes far more immature and competitive around her. He envies Beth's ability to let everyone know what's on her mind at all times (even if she usually does so by punching someone in the face) and wishes he could be as assertive and confident as she appears to be. Ethan tends to see things very simply - either it's right or it's wrong. Beth's most prominent personality traits are often considered bad, but it's those very same traits he admires in her. She's one of the few people or things that falls into Ethan's 'grey' area. He finds this interesting and slightly confusing, and it's one of the reasons he sticks with her. He harbors a [i]slight[/i] crush on her, but doesn't know how to express his feelings properly. He's also terrified of the rejection that he's certain he'd receive. They both treat each other fairly terribly, but he's content with that for now. She's one of the few people he can interact 'normally' with. The angrier she is with him, the more attention she pays to him, and as childish as it may be, he takes full advantage of that, as any attention from her is good attention. [/hider] [hider=History] Ethan had always been the weird kid. Whenever he opened his mouth, he somehow always managed to cause the other kids to laugh at him or make them uncomfortable. Over time, he learned it was easier to just not say anything, which led to him just kind of being [i]there[/i]. He was always 'it,' he was always the 'seeker,' he was always the one who would take the fall when the group got in trouble. He was just there for their convenience. He did everything he could to impress them and get them to like him, which led to his love for competition. Nothing worked, however. Tired of being used, he blew up one day and got angry at them. After that, they began ignoring him, and Ethan spent the next few years being lonely. It was then that he met Beth. She apparently hadn't gotten the memo that he wasn't someone to hang out with. Ethan kept quiet at first, worried that he'd scare her off. She was the only person who spent any time with him. She was kind of mean to him, and at first he thought he had done something wrong that had made her hate him. Despite her apparent dislike of him, she continued to come back. If he had to be honest, Ethan would say he was kind of happy. Sure, the hours they spent together were basically just her bugging him, but at least he had something of a friend now. Ethan started to open up, and she put up with his awkwardness. If anything, she found it amusing as it gave her more to make fun of him about. He did his best to not get angry with her, afraid she'd start ignoring him too. It was only a matter of time until he finally blew up again, tired of having her constantly pick on him. He yelled at her and insulted her, and felt terrible about it afterwards. To his surprise, though, she didn't start ignoring him. If anything, the two spent even more time together, bickering and always trying to one-up the other. It was around this time that he realized he liked her, but they were now in a full-blown hate-lationship, and everyone knows you can't like the person you're in a hate-lationship with. So he kept it to himself, deciding to enjoy what he had instead of risking losing it. They went on like this until they heard of the academy, and without either of them really saying so, they both knew they would attend as a pair. [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] A simple dagger that has a weight and balance similar to his Artifact, Carnwennan. [b]Paired with:[/b] Beth Green [b]Emotional bond description:[/b] This is a tough one, but hate is the most prominent emotion in their relationship. He hates that Beth treats him badly and seems to dislike him. He hates himself for treating her just as badly to get her attention. He hates that he's too much of a coward to tell her how he feels about her. And he most hates the fact that he finds excuses to convince himself to be happy with the way things are. [b]Artifact(Knight only):[/b] Carnwennan, the Dagger [hider=Carnwennan][img=http://oi59.tinypic.com/2nj8wfa.jpg][/hider] A dagger that shrouds Ethan in wisps of black mist when summoned. Ethan can intensify this mist so that it obscures his movements. In light, it doesn't help much, but when he's under the cover of shadows, the mists can make him essentially invisible by using a strange form of supernatural eye trickery to make him blend in. It can teleport him from one shadow to another in a small explosion of mist, but Ethan has an extremely hard time using this ability, often ending up disorientated and off-balanced.