I noticed his satisfied smile on his face, feeling his arm still around my shoulders. I had a feeling we were going to be a perfect couple. I had a feeling he didn't believe this was the true me, that this wasn't my personality. But the only thing I was hiding was everything I had seen from being a Mafia's Boss' daughter. I'd seen plenty that no other women in the Mafia had seen unless they were the Mafia Boss' Wife. I noticed him pull a cigar from his jacket, leaning away slightly in order to have one of the men he came with light it. I studied him a moment as he dug through his jacket before he pulled out an engagement ring, I watched him as he held it as he held it up allowing the light to hit it. I look over at him as he made the comment about seeing it the ring fit. I felt him use his arm around my shoulder to hold my hand up with his as he slipped the ring onto my left ring finger. And then asked what I thought, calling me sweetheart once more, before asking me if it fit. I smiled and looked up at him, meeting his eyes. “I think it's beautiful and it fits perfectly.” I said softly which I was a little surprised by. It was rare to have a ring fit perfectly the first time. He called me sweetheart again, was that just what he was going to call me from now on? I didn't mind it, but I was just curious. I heard another wolf whistle from earlier at my home. I looked over my shoulder, noticing it was one of the rookies. I rolled my eyes, he was going to get himself into some serious trouble whistling at me like that. After all, I was now engaged to Gavin.