Wiping more sleep from his eyes with the backs of his hands as the young female hung off of him, her large jiggly breasts pressed against him...and the young male pleading for mercy, or something, sounding ridiculously nervous...Karl blinked and stared long and hard at one, then the other, as if seeing them for the first time. Slowly raised a hand, blinking a couple of times, "I am awake now." After a moment of silence, like he had been expecting some sort of reaction, Karl pouts and sets his hand back down. As if realising something, the vampire turned back to face and stare down the jiggly female, before finally setting both hands on each of her shoulders and pushed her down on the bed. Staring into her eyes, his mouth curled into a rather devious smile as one of his fingers traced down her stomach, his fangs peeking out, "Tickle me, is it...? Such insolence needs to be punished." There was an interesting tone in his voice. Stopping his tracing, his other hand reached to the hem of her uniform. Tugging the apron loose, and resting it over her underwear, Karl reached into the dress and lifted it up the human female's body, just short of exposing her breasts. Kneeling over the prone girl, admiring his handy work, he sat up and motioned for Callum to come forth, "Come, you first..." Flicking his eyes between the two, impatiently, the vampire returned to leaning over the nearly bared girl, "I think he may need to learn from example instead, I should take the lead." Pulling the boy over to them, really close, he finally let him go to attend to the girl again. Reached down, he tapped the end of her nose, his mouth had that same, toothy grin. "You're impatient to get your just desserts, aren't you?" Moving down over her, the vampire touched her bared stomach, before he opened his mouth and--! [b]pbbt~![/b] Blowing a loud, ticklish raspberry on the girl's exposed stomach once, twice, thrice--the vampire finally raised his head and looked to Callum, "Come one, join me! Punish her for her insolence together with me!" Karl had the biggest, goofiest grin on his face, though his eyes were big and wide asking for the young male's help. It was a confusingly cute expression. Out in the hallway, one of his vampire servants was openly weeping at such a disgraceful sight.