When the survivors of the Glacinus made it to the gates of Nevahiem all Targ could think about was keep them out, so his people didn't question him about other outsiders but when he saw the shape the people from the ice fields were in after traveling across the desert Targ and the Council of five reached a unanimous vote that the Glacii would stay in the city in their own district and be allowed the norms of their everyday life and with that the group was let in with only one thing asked from the council, that request was to vote in a representative who would take a seat on the council and meet with them to make sure the Glacii were happy in Nevahiem. Among other things Targ did for the Glacii was make sure they had plenty of shade and their own well it took what's left of the group a long time to get used to the desert heat he also gave them clothes they would need to survive it, Targ also sent out his finest wolf riders to find any other survivors who might be lost or enslaved by other clans in the desert so they could be brought to the capital, but one thing weighed heavily one the minds of Targ's people Targ had told them they were the only ones in the world Targ was so strict with outsiders that most were turned away upon entry to the clan lands, the only ones who knew about outsiders were the Razor Finn clan the only orcish sea fairing clan in the holding and they were in open rebellion against Targ, the leading clan in the separatist movement which at the time weighed heavily on Targ's mind and he was currently planning on what to do with them. Eventually he settled on a preemptive strike on the Separatist's, using the fact that the could be holding more Glacii prisoner so he rallied a warband of his finest to travel behind the wolfish scouts to find the Separatist camp and destroy it before it could become a problem for Nevahiem and Targ could gain his peoples trust once again. [hider=Events] [list] [*] Targ and his people have let the Glacii in with open arms but his people begin to question [/*] [*] Targ has sent wolf riders to round up any Glacii that got lost or enslaved in the desert [/*] [*] And finally Targ is going to launch a preemptive strike against the Separatist's [/*] [/list][/hider]