"Ragulhu's reign will not be like how the empress or any mortal tyrant would rule, there will be no laws, no order or governance. Ragulhu will rule through his power and chaos being everywhere in the world and all things will be helpless before his terrible might, he will be chaos and in a sense will rule the world by being the sole power in it. The empress may seek peace but she is not the first mortal to attempt world domination and all have failed. Even if she succeeds, then unless she commits complete genocide, she will always have enemies that will see her destroyed, mark my words she will be consumed by the madness and misfortune that all who seek absolute power fall to. I am simply waiting to see how long this empire last until it falls to ruin like the ones before, after all humans refuse to be controlled and many times desire a little chaos in their lives. Chaos can bring absolute freedom to some, and the empress will eventually learn that it is futile for a mere mortal to become like a god and seek to control the world" Izari replied to Remi. "You seem like a good person Remi, tell me why do you support the empire and the empress's vision?" he asked her out of curiosity. To him it seemed like the woman would be more in support of free nations instead of the rule of a vast empire with idealistic notions of peace through conquest.