A steady beeping sound sliced through Alice's dream. She groaned and rolled away from the irritating noise. She had no desire to end this dream. Wait...what was the dream about again? Her eyes slowly peeled open, just enough for her to glance around her room. A stream of golden light peeking through her open door. A groan escaped her parted lips as she reluctantly threw the covers off revealing a dull pink night gown and a thin white tail. Throwing her hands above her head she stretched out causing a few soft cracks to drift up from her spine. "I guess it's time to get ready." She said to herself and anyone who could be watching. The first thing she had to do was repair the atrocity that was once her bed. Her dull robin blue comforter was twisted and rolled up into some disturbingly winkled monster and her sheets liked like what was left of the monsters shredded prey. "That is not ok." She said allowed as she slide her fingers through her red hair. With a quick crack of her knuckles she was off to work. The big blue blanket was ripped from the mattress and expertly folded before it was returned to its home, a small light oak dresser. The dresser stood no more than 4 feet high and only occupied a small corner of her smallest closet. With that taken care of she turned her attention to the sheets. In a flash of blue and green strips they were folded and placed in the bottom drawer. She smiled feeling a little relieved. "It's almost perfect." In a much lighter mood, she folded the futon into the coach position and added two yellow circles of pillows her masterpiece. A huff of pleasure as she looked where that eyesore once was. "Perfect." A smug smile slide across her cheeks.her eyes traced the coach of perfection. "Wait." She called out as something caught her eye. A soft padding of footsteps filled the apartment as she crept towards the left most pillow. A crease appeared above her eyebrows as she shook her head in disapproval. She slipped out of the room and returned with a small tape measure. Reappearing near the faulty pillow she measure the distance from the top of the coach to the top of the pillow. Then she turned and repeated the action to the other pillow. "I knew it!" She boomed all of a sudden. The pillow in question was raised another inch and the smile reformed under her freckles. She let out another sigh and headed into the kitchen. As she passed the balcony doors she could not help but get a glimpse of how beautiful of a day it was. With a quick shrug of her shoulders and a twist of her heels she retreated to her room. She returned fashioning a loose yellow hoodie topped with cat ears and a pair of blue jeans with a hand sewn tail attached. She opened her balcony door and slid out. Her bare feet making a soft pitter-pat on the warm wood floor. "-you drop this?" She heard from somewhere below. Where did that noise come from? Her eyes quickly scanned the area. Her eyes caught sight of her neighbor, Adonis. No, it couldn't have been him. The voice was softer, femine. Fear began to grip her. Who said that? Another quick skim of the area. No one else was up here. But what about bellow? Her feet reluctantly lead her to the railing. She reached out for the bar that ran atop the railing and peered over the edge. "Erin" She sighed quietly and smiled. She waved and smiled down below. She loved to talk to Erin, but Erin did not look like she was in the talking mood. Alice shrugged and stepped back from the railing. If Erin wanted to talk she would let Alice known. Atleast that's what she wanted to think.