Name: Jonathan Kenth Age: 20 Gender: Male Occupation: MS pilot, odd jobs. Appearance: Jonathan is an unkempt man of medium height and asian ethnicity whose only sense of self-image is the knowledge to shave - his black hair is usually in shambles and his clothes usually have a few holes in them (his personal motto is "so long as the holes are small they're still wearable"). By day and during atmospheric combat, he will usually wear his normal, rather torn civilian clothes and a leather jacket with the logo of the old Viper Mercenaries unit he used to be with, which is also coincidentally the one piece of clothing he actually treats with care. In space combat, he wears a standard grey pilot suit and helmet. While the Serpent does have it's own life support system, he was not going to risk having it crash and get killed by easily avoidable atmospheric decompression. Personality: Jonathan is a mercenary with a code of honour: While at the end of the war, mercenaries who ended up not getting paid usually resorted to underhanded methods such as piracy and banditry to make by if they were not lucky enough to get one of the very few fighting jobs left in the post war world, Jonathan instead tried to live as a decent, law abiding citizen. To that end, he refuses to harm innocents and is relatively easy-going, always preferring to find a non-violent solution to any problems he is presented with. However, he is still capable of killing if necessary. He is also very likely to make a joke in order to try and defuse a tense situation, for better or for worse. Skills: Is able to barter and negotiate, turning potential enemies into helpful allies or avoiding unnecessary conflict. Also helps in getting drinks and spare parts for lower prices. Has street smarts and knows how to get around as a mercenary Capable of performing a wide variety of menial jobs (He's still gotta eat somehow) Not so picky - he is able to pilot a wide variety of mobile suits - to the mercenaries who raised him, the concept of "personal suits" was quite foreign: everyone was expected to make do with what they were given to deploy in. Financial knowledge - he is a decent accountant due to the fact he and the rest of the Viper mercenaries had to deal with a lot of monetary issues. Equipment: - Holdout pistol - a swiss army knife (he claims it has actually saved his life plenty of times) - scavenged/random assortment of tools kept in his pocket Biography: During the height of the war, various mercenary groups who were not politically aligned with any one particular side would move around and sell their services to the highest bidder. These mercenaries often formed groups, slowly formed companionship and became more than just two mercenaries on the same job - they became trusted comrades, just as dependable and reliant as any two proper soldiers would have each other's back. One such mercenary group, forming into the Vipers, had two mercenaries - a man and a woman - who fell in love. They were Alex Kenth and Katherine Long, the parents of Jonathan Kenth. Unfortunately for them, just shortly after Jonathan was born they became casualties of war. The infant was left in the care of the Viper mercenaries who raised him out of respect for their two fallen members. As such, Jonathan grew up in a war environment since as long as he could remember, although by "war environment" it meant the interior of the ship. At the age of nine, Jonathan heard something no one saw coming: The war had ended. The Vipers, struggling to adjust to the new era of peace, went around finding meagre jobs guarding shipments and fighting off raiders - leftovers who never could adjust to a life without violence. Jonathan himself began piloting the serpent unit at the age of 15. At the age of 17, however, the mercenary unit finally disbanded, unable to last in the post-war era. Returning to earth, Jonathan settled in on one of the cities and worked odd jobs - guarding, small jobs, the occasional raider hunting. And he hoped it would just stay as small odd jobs. Weaknesses: Terrible flyer: Just like the Serpent is terrible for flight, Jonathan has very little skill in handling a mobile suit if it's not on the ground. It is actually one of the reasons he chose to take the Serpent in the first place. You require more ammunition: The ammunition for the double gatling gun doesn't grow on trees . He is really liable to run out of ammunition in the middle of a battle. Spaaaaaaaaaaaace: Jonathan really, REALLY doesn't like space combat. At most he'll pilot the serpent to stand on top of a ship and fire away. ~Mech Profiles~ Model: MMS-01 Serpent Specialization: Heavy Assault, multi purpose defence, rapid defence deployment. To that end, Jonathan's usual loadout for a deployment is almost always the double gatling gun and the rocket launcher. Appearance: [img=] Weapons: - 2 x 4-tube Missile Launcher Two of either: - Double Gatling Gun - Bazooka - Beam Cannon Capabilities: - heavy suppression of a single or group of hostile mobile suits with the double gatling gun. - No flight suit required - no need to change into a pilot suit when ambushed, just jump in the cockpit and go - Doesn't explode on contact with anything like a goddamn Leo. - Parachute aided atmospheric drop Weaknesses: - It's... not very fast, to say the least. It's best used for heavy suppression and fire. - It has no flight capabilities. Don't expect to dogfight in this thing. - It doesn't have a melee weapon. Get close to it and it's finished, although if something actually does manage to get close to it then the pilot is doing something wrong.