[quote=Background] Ah! I -think- I'm pairing up with Varionus (With the two-characters thing.), though if he wants to drop me or make a second character to pair with you is up to him. Or if you look for someone else. Not fair if I hog everyone, after all.I kinda' figured we were done with the interest check once the OOC went up, so I moved my ad. And then got a hit right as I asked if Var wanted to partner up, soo. That kind of happened. I'm still perfectly willing to play two characters, but no hard feelings if Var picks you over me. I won't be jealous. Much. Just putting that out there in case anyone else has as much trouble rejecting people as I do.... Oh hey. My habit of refreshing the thread before I post pays off. Trouble sleeping? [/quote] Ah, I'll not be a source of conflict then. Besides, there're plenty of other people to pair with. I must have missed that you were making two characters. Thata being said, I'm open to pair with anyone else. I'm thinking of making either a Male Mage or Female Knight. I will update the pairing post accordingly later.