[center] [img=http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/Averium/NakajimaYouko_zpsf07cf120.jpg] [b]Valeria Vicinte[/b] [i]Age:[/i] 20 [i]Gender:[/i] Female [i]Personality:[/i] No non-sense sort of person. Those hours which aren't spent in the training yard sharpening her sword and body are instead spent in the library polishing her intellect. An avid reader of tactics and philosophy Valeria isn't one who speaks often but when she does speaks freely from an enlightened perspective. [i]Equipment:[/i] Recruit's Breast-Plate, Recruit's Polearm, Recruit's Shield, Chain-mail, Ruby Short-Sword. [i]History:[/i] A warrioress who fights for justice and honor, Valeria aspires to be like the heroes of old; a paragon of righteous virtue unswayed by the corruption of the world. She sees her entrance into the academy as a way to get her reputation started and plans to embark upon a heroes' path once she leaves its gates. [i]Paired with:[/i] Ishye [i]Emotional bond description:[/i] Ever since their fated meeting in a lonely forest, Valeria has taken Ishye under her wing and done her best to help teach him about the ways of the warrior. Like a teacher to a student, a mother to her son their shared experiences have been in the spectrum of both joyous and painful. [i]Artifact:[/i] Laevateinn: Sword of the Inferno [i]Artifact description/pic:[/i] A sword whose blade is red-hot to the touch. It projects the very essence of fire itself, commanding waves of flames which cover its edge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img=http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/Averium/Jafar_zpsc2ce1e15.jpg] [b]Galen 'Urik' Gallatin[/b] [i]Age:[/i] 25 [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Personality:[/i] Easy-going almost to a fault. Years of skating by through the powers of his own innate magical potential have gifted Urik with a rather light-hearted view of life. He's more likely to spend his days dozing somewhere or engrossed in an exciting novel than studying for tests or practicing mystic spells. That being said, he can be galvanized somewhat by bets and games of chance, as he is always more than willing to 'play the odds'. [i]Equipment:[/i] Roc-Feather Wand, Nobles Robes, Novus Grimoire, Blood-Rite Ring. [i]History:[/i] The second son of the influential 21st Viscount of Urik, Galen was naturally excluded from this possible inheritance and therefore dispatched to Saint Aldareen where his previously discovered magical talents could be put to use. [i]Paired with:[/i] None Currently. [i]Emotional bond description:[/i] N/A [i]Preferred Element:[/i] Gravity [i]Casting style:[/i] The cautious approach, sometimes slow but always effective. [i]Familiar:[/i] Cerberrul: Demon hound of the underworld. [i]Familiar species and description/pic:[/i] [img=http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/Averium/c076efae-6343-4f54-a787-054c84b0bc6b_zpsbf021b7c.png] [i]Other:[/i] Known far and wide for his rather crippling gambling addiction. When offered a game of chance its almost impossible for Urik to turn it down. [/center]