completely lost as to how my knight partner was XD man this bond and artifact stuff makes me think of negima magister XD [hider=Mage] Name: Hiro Takakawa Age(15-25): 20 Gender: male Appearance: [img][/img] you can see who the mage is on this pic XD Personality(you can keep it basic to RP it out if you like): mostly will be worked out during the rp, but generally I have this idea: He generally hides his real personality, acting like a happy and worry free person, even doing thinks like the man on the pic was doing, yet when it comes down to it, he is really reliable (when people need help or if a fight comes or something), but in truth, even trough he acts like an idiot at school he is always secretly studying and working on his magic, making him seem like a natural if he gets serious, but its all due to his personal study, often he studies at home or in a secret area of the library that he has found out, when he is at home (alone) he is more gloomy and lost in thoughts (unless he is studying) due to things from his past (what will be the reason for him to act like this and be as he is, not wanting to involve others in his past) Equipment: A large staff and a ring that works as a catalyst for him to work his magic trough. History: Hiro is secretly the only survivor from his village he had grown up in, at age of 8 the village was attacked by demons that had been summoned, Hiro had seen a lot of people die during this event, some of which died protecting him (being a kid and all), at one point Hiro was the last person left and the demons all started to aim for him, it was around this time that a lone mage appeared from nowhere, it was not someone from the village so Hiro has no idea who it was, but the man protected Hiro and killed all the demons, using some un-summoning spell or just killing them if they got to close for comfort. The man after that nodded to Hiro and then Hiro blacked out. He awoke in an area he was unfamiliar with just outside a town, the man was gone. from this point on, Hiro decided to become a mage himself, not wanting to see this event happen ever again, trough the pictures of that time still haunt his mind. Paired with: sadame ishiyama Emotional bond description: childhoodfriends Familiar(Mage only): Krawl Familiar species and description/pic: A shapeless creature that takes his shape based on its owner, due to Hiro's secret dark past it has now taken on the shape of a shadow, due to its shapeless form it can reshape and expend itself as much as possible and even harden, making itself in a sword or a cover its owner as a barrier, able to make tentacles and things like that Its current chosen form is as a spook in packman. (NOTE: the shape (based on owner) changes its sub abilitys, as a shadow it can fuse with shadows to grow and pull others in the shadows (teleporting) (BUT this forces the ones in the shadows to see their inner darkness so its not a useful skill in general), but other shapes have other traits) Other(optional): Hiro is specialized in Crystal and lightning magic but also able to use some Earth, fire and winds spells at least Hiro is also Japanese (or what you could see as Japanese in this world). [/hider] [hider=Spell list] Hiro's current known spells include: (note: some might use 2 elements but belong to the main one) [b][i]Crystal:[/i][/b] -Deflexio: no incarnation needed, a simple physical defense spell, the spell can come in different elements based on the users specialization, Hiro has crystal -Crystal Spira: "Spiritus inter terram auream, ut surge subter hostes meum a turrem" (Spirit of the gemmed earth, rise from under mine enemy as a tower), create a crystal spire that rise from the ground (can be with a flat head if needed) -Flower of Diamonds: "spiritu florum, spiritus diamonds, concurrunt furore tuo et florebit quasi lilium circum spinae vestrae in diamond spicis" (Spirit of flowers, spirit of diamonds, combine your fury and bloom your thorns around in diamond spikes), similar to Crystal Spira, This spell creates smaller spires around the caster in a flower shape with the caster in center (a decent ground counter spell) [b][i]Lightning:[/i][/b] -Evoke: "Evocatio Spiritualis de Viginti Electricae sicariorum" (I summon the spirits of twenty electrical assassins), summon 20 (max) elemental spirits to attack, this version the spirits will shock and stun on contact, they can also throw a kunai (of same mass as they are) for a fast long range attack or a real electrical guiding object to jump into the basic attack will give a full shock, paralyzing a body part it hits, the metal throw would give a wound and slow movements down a bit -Offendas Tonitrus: "Spiritus fulguris, corpore tuum infundere meum, ut concede mihi celeritate et agilitatem offensus est inimicum" (Spirit of lightning, infuse mine body with yours, grant me speed and agility to shock mine enemy), Cover the user with electrical energy to increase his speed and agility as that with each direct physical hit, the target gets slower. [b][i]Earth:[/i][/b] -Oculus Telluris: "spiritus terra daque mihi aperi oculos tuum visum" (Spirits of Earth, open your eyes and grant me your vision) -Aurora Terra Draco: "Genii Terrae ut vocarent et vocavi te et consurgens consurget a facie pulverem, dracones, et vocaveris non formam accipiunt ferroque parietis capiendam figuram planetarum orta Aurorae draconem terram" (Spirits of Earth, I summon you to call and rise, call your dragons and rise from the dust, take shape of a wall, take shape of the Planets dawn, a dragon Earth Dawn) [b][i]Fire:[/i][/b] -Draconis Fornicem Ignitas: "Servio de Serpant, congreget in palma meum, et contra aere volant canalibus target" (Flames of the Serpant, gather in mine palm and fly trough the air towards my target), Create a ball of flames in the casters palm and throw it trough the air in an arc, there are different shapes and types, this version is the basic dracon type, medium powered and range, no extra traits. [b][i]Wind:[/i][/b] -Angelus Alis: "spiritus et ventus, spiritus Lumen, mihi Maximo potentiade fuga" (Spirits of the wind, Spirits of Light, grand me the ability of Flight) [b][i]Other/ multi ell uses:[/i][/b] -Sagitta magica: "(Number) spiritus (elements), Coèuntes, sagittent inimicum meam. Sagitta Magica, Series (elements)" (: (Number) Spirits of (Element), Come together and strike mine enemy. Magic Arrows, Series of (Element), fire a number of elemental magic missiles to a target, the missiles can be redirected/ homing and the element effects certain effects. Hiro can use: Light (most basic version), Crystal (piercing), wind (bind), Lighting (small paralysis) [/hider] [hider=Knight] Name: Azuna Darkeyes Age(15-25): 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] BUT with bigger breasts (each is roughly the same size as her head, yet still very firm) Personality(you can keep it basic to RP it out if you like): likely going to be a bit wild tomboyish girl, but sweet on the inside, dont really know yet Equipment: normally she has 2 short swords that she holds with the blades downwards (not extending her reach as woth a sword but letting it go back past her lower arms) History: Azuna has mostly lost her memory's (UC due to having to talk with derp about this) Paired with: Derpstien char Emotional bond description: sibling rivalry Artifact(Knight only): Tri-style: a sword hilt Artifact description/pic: Tri-style starts as a sword hilt but holds 3 different styles, a katana style that uses Azuna's energy to perform different energy based attacks (all from out the blade) A short blade style that has the abilities to open locks and small stuff like that but also open peoples minds for small scale manipulation or weak class mind reading A scythe that drains energy from the area and gives different supportive powers to its owner NOTE: trough Tri-style is powerful when fully mastered it comes with quite some weaknesses as well: -The artifact starts as a hilt, nothing more and no intel about this artifact has even been recorded, so Azuna would start with just a hilt. -all 3 styles need to be found -of each style all powers are need to be found out --basically, the artifact is useless unless you learn of one of its styles and then it looks like some kind of highly decorated weapon until you learn of one of its traits, but as everyone here would understand, if you learn of one of its styles then you would think that is all there is and use only that style and power, making the development to learn the rest a real long road, especially with the scythe that will be the last to learn. -the Katana might have multiple energy attacks BUT each use will drain Azuna her energy, so the risk to use it is pretty high -the short sword might be pretty useful BUT the longer and more its used the more strain it would put on Azuna, eventually she would be mentally drained and fall into a small coma -the scythe is the one with least danger to the user in first sight, but as the weapon keeps draining energy from the area (natural energy so it wont effect anything else), there will be a point where Azuna (or any other that would hold on to it) has drained in to much, at first this would just end up with a sickness of high class (with a 40degree fever) but if continued from there without draining the excess energy, the energy would turn Azuna into a bomb that can blow up any moment (killing her) so, yeah, even if its a poweful artifact, its one with high risks and starting useless Other(optional): (IF allowed) Azuma has a natural born (and rare) ability yo cancel out magic that she comes in contact with [/hider]