He heard the sound of a knock at the door, The door opened and a petitite female head poked in. "The master said to get yourself decent, A offer came in, and the master has already been paid. The door closed and He stood up. He had watched his tongue in front of the female, but now in the private of his room, he started swearing like a sailor. He went to the window and saw the housemaster, He started verbally abusing him, all of a sudden a gunshot cracked and he felt a pain in his shoulder. Through his rapidly blurring eyes he saw a red plumed dart. He tried to stay awake but it was like fighting against a tidal wave. He awoke on the floor of a carriage, the hard wooden floor was awkard to lie on, the carriage stopped and he was sent flying in the wall. He groaned as someone helped him up. He grogily walked out of the carriage and into sunlight. He raised his hand and slapped himself, He then rubbed his eyes and shook off most of the sleepiness. He spotted a gable and ran under the cover. Sun, unlike a vampire did not kill him, but it gave headaches after a while that made him wish he HAD burned to death. He hesitantly knocked the door.