[b]Name:[/b] Christoph Lockheed [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] MS Pilot [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a little below a metre eighty, Christoph is a young man of average build, albeit slightly on the lanky side. His medium-length hair, slightly messy from constant helmet wear, is a shade of brown, and his complexion is much paler than the average person of his ethnicity. Coupled with his warm green eyes, these traits do not exactly assist him in exuding the aura of an experienced mobile suit pilot, his physical appearance leaning more towards that of a scholar than a soldier. While his outfit can vary from day to day, Christoph frequently wears a sweater (with colours ranging from white to navy blue) and dark brown trousers, an outfit that is usually complemented by his standard white runners. Indeed, it is quite clear that the pilot prefers simplicity, with really only a small, gold necklace being an item of any note upon his person. His pilot suit is the standard one worn by soldiers of the Commonwealth States - a blue and silver uniform with the emblem of his nation emblazoned on his shoulder. [b]Personality:[/b] Christoph is a rather quiet young man, preferring silence over constantly speaking his mind on whatever issue comes to pass. However, he is quite empathetic, always serving as a shoulder to lean on for his acquaintances, or somebody to bounce ideas off. Listening is what he does - if he can assist in the troubles of those who approach him, then he will do so. He’s amiable to all, rarely ever acting unkindly to others. It is quite clear that he also possess a strong dedication for his duty, always ready to do what is asked of him by his superiors and ensure that the job is done well. While he appears to be a rather mild person, it is with this serenity that he does his work, refusing to let anything affect him in the course of his duty. A calm and collected soldier, there is little that can truly faze him. [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*]Above-average piloting skills. [*]Great chef.[/list] [B]Equipment:[/B] [list][*]Pistol [*]Keys [*]Survival kit [*]Wallet [*]Mobile phone[/list] [b]Biography:[/b] Christoph was raised in Newcastle, Australia, as the child of a former Commonwealth officer and a local baker. His childhood was quite a simple one, spent running through the streets, playing football with friends, and searching through abandoned coal mines for “treasure”. While the the threat of war would always shadow everything he knew, it had been a peaceful, relaxing life, where most of his worries were confined to only Newcastle. He had been thirteen when an uneasy peace had been brokered by the powers of the world. It had been a surprise for Christoph, for he and his friends had lived under the fear of war for his entire life. Yet he had seen the horrors of war for himself in those short thirteen years, and the moment he left school, he would apply to join the mobile weapon division of the Commonwealth army. War was horrible, he knew, but he was determined to defend his nation until there could finally be true peace. As such, he would be present at the descent of the mysterious mobile suit from the skies, losing his original Skygrasper during the skirmish. It was only recently that he acquired the RGM-122 Javelin, a mobile suit he found much more fitting his combat style. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Has difficulties communicating his own thoughts. --- [b]Model:[/b] [url=http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/v/rgm-122.htm]RGM-122 Javelin[/url] [b]Specialisation:[/b] General Purpose [b]Appearance:[/b] Eschewing the standard aquamarine colours of the Commonwealth’s European Javelins, Christoph’s own unit is a dark green, a trait shared by most of the models underneath the control of the Indonesian Expeditionary Force. Otherwise, it is quite similar to its compatriots stationed in the city, with the symbol of the Commonwealth Forces emblazoned onto one shoulder. [b]Weapons:[/b] [list][*]1x Beam Saber (storage racks in the hip armour) [*]2x 60mm Vulcan Gun (fire-linked and mounted in the head) [*]2x Shot Lancer (mounted on backpack) [*]1x Beam Shield (mounted on left forearm) [*]1x Rocket Anchor [*]1x Beam Rifle[/list] [b]Capabilities:[/b] [list][*]Excels at mid-range combat. [*]High damage output.[/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list][*]Low close-range capabilities. [*]Lack of true specialisation prevents it from excelling in any one area of combat.[/list]