[quote=LowKey123] WIP.Name:Age: 20.Gender: Female.Appearance: Androgynous in appearance and sitting at 5'10", sometimes people can't tell she's a girl. Mostly because, LOOK AT THOSE BOOBS. THEY'RE INVISIBLE. Just kidding. But really, she does get mistaken for a boy almost...60 percent of the time.Personality:"You'd be the bird BASTARD and then you'd be killed because you're the bird BASTARD because everyone's hunting you down because you're the bird BASTARD.""There is a right. And there is a wrong. There is always a wrong. But there is never only a right. Because in a right should be a wrong in there, and that wrong keeps some balance so you have sugar in your cereal."Oh, so she was a mental as well.""Don't write out accents because if someone IS from that place and they're reading the accent, they could get TWICE the accent. That can kill people, you've got to be careful."You can say that she.....frequently uses sarcastic and random comedy, simply because it can be funny. See, while her way of thinking isn't the best, you can definitely say that sometimes it can be logical, in some rare-ish situations. Because she often thinks of those.She best described as a bit of a madman and a forever-running cruel-ish comedy combined and smushed into the human body. Which isn't the worst way to describe it. In fact, it may be the most fucking accurate guess you'll get. She also tends to wing it when small problems arise too.She's often judgemental, and when you make a bad impression on her, then you're either going to be a mental or just really damn mean...in his book. A real reason for her not using of logic in some situations is mainly because sometimes she doesn't need to, because it's way too obvious to do anyways. A reason for his using of logic in other situations is because it's not obvious and she really needs to actually think about it a bit. Oh, and she can obviously get heavily annoyed. As with the 'gibbon' quote where she is yelling.Equipment:History: She was part of a family with mainly detectives. As a result, she has learned wonderful deducting abilities and many religions as well. Her family wasn't that normal, in appearance. Her brother was incredibly short, and her appearance she inherited from her mother. Her father was really the only normal person, as she got her height from him, actually. She was raised with love, and as a result, knows the...normal? version of love. She was trained to fight with projectiles and the like, so she used arrows and likes to keep a distance from people she calls enemies.In fact, she had to form her personality because her family wasn't the really happy type. Not all of the time. Most times, it was really serious and grr man grr. But, she thought that it would be fun to be the odd (wo?)man out, and decided to base her personality on jokes and the like. It then became very normal for her.Paired with: I dunno. Kaben's character. Probably.Emotional bond description: TBRFamiliar(Mage only):Familiar species and description/pic:Other(optional): She says her glasses are for seeing past fog, but really its because she has the worst vision ever in the universe. [/quote] CUTE. SO CUTE. ERMAHGERD.