Jaitheia walked the streets of Colver as she tried to figure out what her nightmares supposed to be about. All she knew was it was through her eyes, and one of her relatives dead on the table from something unknown. Her mother always told her that messing with the occult was a bad thing, but she just didn't listen to her at all. Must be the paranoia that her mother had when she sworn she messed with something that she shouldn't have had. Now a days it's not safe for anyone to walk on the street when a lot disappearances were reported. It didn't bother her much then again she tries to stick near areas that have a larger traffic and to avoid walking at night. Every time she would go for a walk her phone would continually ring and text messages will stack up. All from her mother of course. "Don't know why she is so paranoid all the time. I am old enough to take care of myself, I'm not that stupid mother." Jaitheia muttered as she read the fifteen text messages that her mother left on her phone. For someone that isn't really tech savvy, she sure did pick up text messaging like a fish in water. All she was doing was picking up a book about the different kinds possessions people had said they went through. A quick and sudden blackout frightened when she thought about the book. Hours if not days were lost when these blackouts happened, well it felt like days to her since it was happening to her. The small park came into view and she thought it was a good idea to rest under one of the trees to let the bout of dizziness that comes before one of her blackouts. Leaning against one of the trees, Jaitheia let out a sigh when she felt irritated at the weakness she was feeling.