[Universe 1] She knew very well that he didn’t have to take her around, she was grateful that he was. She could be back home just toiling away but instead she was someplace magical. She just wanted to know when it was all over and if he could validate it ending, she would leave on her own without any regrets. She would miss it, of course but the day she stopped earning a spot next to the time traveler would be the day it should all end. There was no point in continuing if neither of them were happy with the current situation. She knew she wasn’t the first and probably wouldn’t be the last either. The Doctor’s eyes were hauntingly lonesome and she hoped her presence helped warm him up, even just a little. Someone so amazing shouldn’t be so sad. He then carried on and said how he didn’t relax and didn’t get much from places like the one they were in. That hurt. She felt for him, to not be able to enjoy one’s surroundings. She wouldn’t pry now but she did want to know what could have happened to take away such yearning. She smiled a bit when he mentioned that she could help him renew some of the perspectives he once cherished. He said he’d tell her if she became a burden. She didn’t see it as harsh, it was better to know and to change it than to ignore a problem and then make it worse. Jennifer glanced off for a moment and picked a blade of grass and spun it between her fingers, feeling its soft texture. Then there was silence, which she didn’t mind nor took offense to. It was fine with her, silence back home was hard to come by after all. And it was probably for the same for the Doctor. “Hm?” She glanced to him when he spoke up, saying sorry for coming off harsh. “Oh no, it didn’t come off that way to me.” She waved a hand at him with a small smile. “You should be able to be honest with me after all we’ve been through.” She told him. He said he was glad to have met her which caused her to grin a bit. He said he could take her home if she wanted, granted that it wasn’t on Valentines Day. “Ha, no way. I’m good right here.” Jennifer told him happily. “You know someone once said that thinking you’re the worst person in the world is the same as thinking you’re the best. It’s giving yourself a place in the universe haven’t really earned.” Jen said and gave a shrug. She suppose it was true. “I knew plenty of people who often struggled with under or overconfidence. But trust me, sooner or later everyone gets their mind sorted out properly.” She said. Jennifer stood up and turned around, getting the feeling they should get going. So she wanted to take in as much as she could of the landscape. It was incredible. Jen looked at the Doctor and held a hand out for him. “Come on, we can’t sit around here for too long, not when there’s plenty to do and see elsewhere.” She smiled. They headed back toward the TARDIS and Jen found herself in a better mood already. Now they could move on and see what other adventures awaited them. As the Doctor moved over to pick a new destination, it seemed the machine began to pilot itself on its own before anything really should have happened. Jennifer waited until things settled before she tossed a curious look his way. “This ain’t gonna be a repeat of the whole killer video game thing, is it?” She asked him. “If it is, I have some clever words for whoever kidnapped us this go around.” She opened the door. “Looks like a museum, pretty harmless I suppose.” She stepped out and the Doctor soon joined her. “Any idea where we are, precisely? And why the TARDIS brought us here? A history lesson?” Jen joked. - - - [Universe 2] So far things seemed to be going well. The Doctor was glad Summer was beginning to relax and enjoy this time with her parents at their party. He was enjoying himself too but his mind remained restless while his body stayed put and pretended that he was human and not able to feel the pull and turn of planets and stars and civilizations. But he was going accustomed to staying in one place, even if it was for only two days or so. Humans were a pleasant bunch who liked to plant their roots as well as explore the unreachable regions of the unknown. Little did they know that nothing was out of their reach, that they would spread far and wide in the future and would live on and laugh just as they were doing right now on this simple little Christmas Eve. He left Summer alone with a friendly pat on her shoulder and let her be while he went to continue socializing. The time was passed with singing and nibbling on snacks. They all began to talk about various things and he did his best to keep up with current events. The Doctor had kept his eye on Summer and saw she was now with her father in the back, out of the way. He hoped she made this count and would find whatever she needed. She was lucky. He could never go back and visit those he lost. They were gone and he was alone. But he had his adventures and memories and his TARDIS of course. And then there was Summer, for now he had her and it did fill him with happiness, a feeling he rarely felt despite his outward appearance. The Doctor’s blunders and failures and dark days were difficult to escape and he had gotten so used to running away that he almost wanted to laugh at himself at the moment. A woman had suddenly snapped his attention from Summer and they conversed casually. The Doctor found her to be very friendly, almost overly, but he listened to her as she talked about herself. It was then asked if he had come with anyone. “I came with her.” The Doctor turned his head to Summer. “We’re traveling together, she’s very lovely company I’ll say.” He smiled to the woman, not having much to say to her. It seemed this ruffled her feathers and she soon excused herself. The Doctor shrugged and just found another person to chat with. Women could be quite bewildering. Soon Summer’s father left and he walked over to her. “About ready to go?” He asked her, not wanting them to overstay their welcome as some people were already leaving as the night was wearing on. It seemed however that Summer’s dad had an announcement and the Doctor turned to see the man of few words get down on one knee and propose to Mabel. “Oh congratulations!” He applauded along with everyone else. It was so rare for him to see happy moments and he was so happy for the newly engaged couple, as well as Summer. If it weren’t for them meeting and marrying, then he wouldn’t be standing next to Summer, so of course his grin was quite genuine. The happy couple made their rounds and the Doctor thanked them for their kindness and leaned down to whisper to Summer, “I’ll be in the TARDIS waiting, whenever you’re ready to go.” He then took his leave, sure that Summer would make her goodbyes count. About ten minutes later, she had come back and he had been waiting in the main room. “Hello.” He smiled to her. “I think we should take in a show. How does Shakespeare sound yeah?” The Doctor flipped a switch enthusiastically and they were soon off, relocating to Southwark, 1599. When the machine landed, he glanced to her clothes. “May want to get changed.” He noted. The Doctor wouldn’t though. When Summer came back, he offered his arm to her. “Looks good. Shall we?” He asked her. He had been to a few plays but hadn’t yet gotten around to meeting the bard himself, maybe they would this time.