His breath hisses out between his teeth as he tries to hold back his cries of pain. [i]'Dammit, if I hadn't knocked that thing off my shoulder. . . .From it's smell it was helping with the pain a bit. Maybe I can get anther one, suggest some stuff to, what are they looking at?'[/i] Distracted from his musings Chall's breath comes out slower and slower as he tries to listen for whatever caught the animal's attentions. His ears snap out, shifting up and down as he cranes his head towards where they are focusing. [i]'That's the door'[/i] His shoulder throbs again but he keeps his breathing even as he catches the sound of approaching footsteps. His body involuntarily tenses as the door swings in, his jaw locking as he spots how large the person entering it. [i]'That guy is huge. He could use me for a lean post'[/i] He swallows hard, unsure of how much control he'd have over his magic should this giant prove hostile. He remains still as the dog rises to greet him, the only part of his body moving the occasional twitch of one ear or the other. [i]'He smells of the outdoors. Much fresher smells than the ones hanging on the city folk'[/i] He takes a slow deep breath, using the clear scents to calm his nerves a bit. His whole body filches a bit when the man looks to him and speaks. Despite the assertion, Chall's tongue refuses to un-fuse from the roof of his mouth. [i]'He seems peaceable enough, and willow bark tea would help with the pain'[/i] His mind wanders a bit at the idea as he wonders if he'd have some sugar to make the drink more palpable. The telltale sound of a glass vial on wood perks his ears up, drawing his eyes back into focus. His eyes trail over the other man's back. [i]'His clothes are very common, not extravagance what soever. He's not with those who attacked me. They didn't seem to be the type who would associate closely with “Common folk”. At least I think so'[/i] Chall curses silently to himself as his mind wavers from the growing ache in his arm. His eyes shift to the animals and he feels his fur begin to rise under their unwavering gazes. He glances up for only a moment when the man vanishes from sight before his focus goes back to the largest animal. In a very quiet voice the large male in the other room would be unable to hear he hisses, “Listen woofs, I don't need any trouble, so stop looking at me like that. I mean it! I [b]will[/b] sick some sprites on you if you lay a paw on me." The dogs seem to almost scowl at his threat but he has no time to think on it as the man returns. His feels his fur rising higher and higher as the man approaches, and without thinking he backs up a few inches, just enough so that if he needs to he can duck behind the side of the lounge. He keeps a raptor like focus on the man's movements as he prepares the kettle and stokes the fire. When it flares to life proper Chall takes in the man's features more carefully. Of all the things he got from his mother's side of the family, the night vision isn't one of them. [i]'He's like a big shaggy bear. He's almost furrier than I am! He seems relaxed too so either he's over confident or he's just a calm kinda guy. I pray for the second'[/i] He almost chides himself for thinking of praying but before he can the man turns to him. His whole body tenses, making him wince as the action pulls the muscles around his wound pull on the damaged muscle and flesh. His deep voice is warm and calm, causing Chall's fur to settle. His listens carefully and nods slightly as the man confirms that magic was indeed used on him. Despite his vote of confidence in healing quickly, Chall decides to test his boundaries a bit. As the man stands up his follows his movements with narrowed eyes. Careful to keep his tone respectful, or at the lest not arrogant he asks, “While I thank this, Marge, for her help, if I could have access to a few things, I should be able to be healed morning after next without any lasting damage.” Glancing at his wound he adds, “I can tell from the pain that there's some nerve damage, and if I don't deal with it My arm won't heal at full strength.” His gaze trails back up to the large man's face. “It's just some basic local herbs. . . . .And a body of water somewhere where it's fresh, unspoiled.” He pauses, his eyes still looking up into the man's deep brown eyes.