[b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Kyrin Xenova [[i]Kye - Rin | Zin-Ova[/i]] [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider= Kyrin's Profile] Kyrin was always a rebellious child, he hated everything about being forced to grow up in such a "whack zone." Everything moved too slow for him, and the life of a young ascendant was much too sheltered for his adventurous taste. [url=http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/ball_o_parts_hunter_32864.jpg]When Ky was 8 years old,[/url] he was put into a squad of 5 ascendants, who were being trained with elementary raiments to hone their ability to channel the elements. He was assigned a head piece that really made him feel stupid, and ever since then, he's had an innate hatred for armor. [url=http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/cassim_45550.jpg]At age 13[/url], he started becoming much more relaxed, choosing not to lash out directly against the authorities. Instead, he resorted to passive aggression in the form of skipping classes, spray painting walls, and just feigning ignorance when questioned. He was loved by many of his peers - he seemed to have a love for many in his generation, but kept an outward dislike for those who "forced his destiny." Regardless, he began to feel an increased passion for his abilities. At age 16, when it was time to graduate from the Elementary Academy to the Ascendant Academy, he decided to do something never seen before. At graduation, it is customary to wear one's chosen raiments as a sign of confirmation of one's path. Students walked the stage with capes, robes, gauntlets, helms, knuckles, rings, chains... But Ky was nowhere to be found. Half way across the district, he was holding a hand over his mouth as a needle jabbed into his skin. He had taken the crystals of Void and Sun which he was given based on his affinities, and melted them down. He then took the extremely unstable liquids to one of his favorite hang-out spots: the alleys that belonged to the gangs of the Ascendant district. There, using the liquid-element crystals, he requested to infuse them onto his body in the form of tattos ([url=http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/194563/hot-body-tattoo-image.jpgside]one[/url] on his right side and [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/80/f3/cc/80f3cc085eee4543503399e842ac9422.jpg]one on his left[/url]). When using his abilities, these tattoos glow purple, with golden outlines when Sun-based abilities are used. At age 18, Ky has become [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/337/d/c/dreads_are_awesomeness_by_euclidstriangle-d300rw1.jpg]quite a man[/url] with the same [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Kassim.full.1182664.jpg]fighting spirit[/url] as when he was young. He doesn't wear any armor, though he has a [url=http://www.gameranx.com/img/13-Mar/destiny-art-4.png]set[/url] (third one). He also has a [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/050/9/7/fire_sword__unnamed__by_guiltyremnant-d4q8qh0.jpg]sword[/url] (except, no lightning, and the little wraps are more bandage-y). It contains half of his sun element within it, though he rarely uses it and he it mostly just decorates his waist band. [/hider] [b]Primary Weapon[/b]: "Phantom" - Phantom is a hybrid weapon. It is stowed on Kyrin's hip, a sword within a sheathe. Kyrin most often wields it as a [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/050/9/7/fire_sword__unnamed__by_guiltyremnant-d4q8qh0.jpg]sword[/url], but it can be set up and operated as a military grade [url=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/63/1276x432_11534_Rail_sniper_rifle_2d_sci_fi_gun_weapon_rifle_concept_art_picture_image_digital_art.jpg]sniper rifle[/url]. [b]Secondary Weapon[/b]: [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140305151642/the-power-armor-cyoa/images/thumb/8/85/Sci_fi_revolver_final_by_bringmeasunkist-d5a6fm0.jpg/640px-Sci_fi_revolver_final_by_bringmeasunkist-d5a6fm0.jpg]Twin Handguns[/url] [b]Class:[/b] Ascendant [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Elemental ratio:[/b] 10 Sun, 15 Void [b]Skills:[/b] [hider=skills] [b]Fade:[/b] [i]Become intangible for short stretches of time. Length of time depends on level.[/i][/hider]