Slowly managing to his small blue pixel feet, Viridian took a moment to rub his eyes. He looked around, quite honestly confused, but at the same time, extremely interested in where he was. "Hello?" He called out, curious as to what existed in this dimension. Was this a dimension? Maybe it was a dream. [B]"Hello!"[/B] "Woah!" The small greenish-blue captain was spooked by the loud voice, Gravity Flipping by mistake. He began going higher and higher, not seeing any sort of ceiling... Or floor. "Aah! Where's the ceiling to this place, mysterious voice?" He asked, in a panic about being stuck forever. [B]"Fear not, Captain Viridian! Simply try flipping while in the air!"[/B] Viridian was sure that wasn't going to work. Though he decided to try anyways, narrowing his eyes as he tried to Gravity Flip in mid-air. To his surprise, he actually managed to do it, and began falling. After a few moments, he found himself back on the ground, safe and sound. "Wow... This dimension makes my Gravity Flipping even better! But wait- How did you know that'd work? And how do you know my name?" [B]"Simple! We've been expecting you! You've been selected as one of many to participate in our yearly fighting tournament! We've been going strong for years, and plan to keep it that way~!"[/B] "Fighting? I don't fight often, but I'm honored to be welcomed to such an event... Will there be adventure to be found here?" Viridian asked, honestly caught up in the moment. The thought of exploration, in an entirely new dimension, excited him more than most things. [B]"This will certainly be an adventure! I can promise you that!"[/B] Viridian lifted his arms happily. "Fantastic! I can't wait to get started!" He was like a child when it came to adventure. He couldn't help it, it was his one true weakness. [B]"Alright then! I should get you on your way, but I have to ask... Are you related to Mr. Game&Watch by chance?"[/B] "Who?" [B]"Didn't think so, but it was worth asking!"[/B] The light that engulfed Viridian made him grin uncontrollably, as well as made it impossible for him to see anything. He simply stood there, waiting to see what would happen. Soon enough, he found himself in some sort of area with green stuff all over the ground. It made his feet feel weird... It wasn't like steel at all. He cringed as he felt the breeze, mildly scared of it. "W-What was that?" He questioned, before noticing something more amazing ahead. A strange creature! It stood on two legs, like he did. But it was much taller! And it had some weird stuff all over it's head, and some type of armor that made him look pretty fancy! Viridian couldn't help but slowly approach, offering a small wave. "Greetings, stranger!" He said cheerfully, not seeming scared of the fancy giant at all. Viridian kept a smile, revealing the void that was the inside of his mouth. He didn't appear it have teeth or anything, it was just... Black. Like his eyes. Though his cheery voice could perhaps serve as a distraction from it, if only momentarily.