[center] [b]-NAME- [/b] Achilles Yithare (Pronounced AH-SHE-LL, similar to 'A Shield', without a 'D' at the end. [b]-AGE- [/b] 20 [b]-APPEARANCE-[/b][/center] [hider=Body] [img=http://www.sitesquibuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Tom-Thum.jpg] He stands at an impressive 6'2", especially for his age. It is noteworthy that his affinity for the void has left his eyes an inexplicable black- not as though devoid of pigment- staring into those eyes is equal to staring into the infinite void of space. [/hider] [hider=Armor] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/325/5/7/concept_02_by_leopardsnow-d4guxpp.jpg] He wears the armor to the left, though with a far darker colour scheme, a mix of non-reflective grays and blacks, with all lights glowing a faint orange-ish yellow.. The armor seems to absorb light itself, due to it being made from void. He often wears it without the faceplate, which he easily hangs from a magnet on his chest. [/hider] [center][b]-WEAPONS- [/b][/center] [hider=Long Range] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131010084949/orion-dino-horde/images/thumb/c/cc/MX-4.png/180px-MX-4.png] A burst fire silenced SMG, accurate at fairly far ranges.[/hider] [hider=Short Range] [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131009213748/orion-dino-horde/images/thumb/4/40/Cv10s.png/210px-Cv10s.png] Simple silenced pistol, with a built in laser sight[/hider] [center][b]-CLASS- [/b] Ascendant [b]-LEVEL-[/b] 1 [b]-ELEMENTAL RATIO-[/b] 25 Void [/center] [hider=SKILLS][b]Fade-[/b] Become intangible for short stretches of time. Length of time depends on level. [/hider]