God, Deb hated it when her turn to open up came round and she was stuck with the morning shift, only two hours in and she was already perched atop the cashier stool behind the desk, pencil in her right hand alternating between doodling on the sale list notebook and drumming against the counter top. It'd been a slow morning which was routine, it was a video store after all. You might get a few stoners in during the day but the crowd was always in the evening, when the release from the 9 to 5 brought in film students to peer at the variety of Kurosawa and Cohen before skulking through to the back to the video nasties, and the working parents trundled in seeking the latest disney to fend off their brats for the evening while they slaved over the stove or overdue paperwork. Speaking of Disney, Deb grimanced, if she had to listen to the 'Circle of Life' one more damn time she was going to tear the sound system out from the wall, but alas, Felix had come in an hour ago, switching off Jack Off Kill and slipping in a mixtape he'd compiled, full of songs from films just released on vhs as well as the occasional classic. And of course, since [i]The Lion King[/i] had just come out, Deb had been 'treated' to far more Elton John than she'd prefer. Piano men weren't really her style after all. Felix had taken a phone call five minutes earlier before he disappeared to the back room to take stock, but despite the thick curtain that hung over the doorway to the Video Dungeons gore palace, Deb was sure he'd hear if she turned off the tape. So she left it, and instead moved her eyes from the empty shop and instead turned her head towards the storefront, hoping to find something to take her mind off it. Just at that moment, the door opened with an electronic [i]beep[/i] and let in a hulking figure, dressed somewhat shabby and carrying a worn briefcase. He seemed to cast a hard panning glance around the store before stepping inside the threhold with a heavy [i]thump[/i], closing the door behind him. The man proceeded to step further into the store, moving to the left and inspecting the [b]$10 or Less bin[/b] opposite the counter where Deb continued to sit, her eyes following the figure as he moved. Deb raised an eyebrow, leaning forward on the stool and crossing her arms atop the counter. She gave the man a quick up-and-down look, considering his gait and the obvious musculature of his form. Deb cleared her throat sharply, drawing the man's attention, she gave a slight tilt of her head in his direction before speaking in a steady drawl, "Can I help you?"