The young man kept smiling as Rayen began to think of her fact, he didn't even notice Amelia had focused on the two of them until she spoke her snide comment. He rolled his eyes a little as he turned to face her, his brow raised a little as prepared to speak, something along the lines of. 'Oh, got tired of the sound of your own voice I see.' Yeah that's good, he applauded himself internally and was about to open his mouth when something surprising happened, Rayen spoke first. His first impression of her had been that she was a very shy and quiet girl, but here she was stepping forward to confront the bully. He just wished that Amelia didn't have such a good point, they were all wanting to go into the military police, presumably because it was the safest and most lucrative of the three branches, nevertheless he would never admit that and their attitudes about joining the police were very different. He stepped forward to stand by Rayen's side and let her continue to talk, when she was done he finally he spoke. "Hey back off, I don't kno-" Was all he managed to get out before she interrupted him to ask about the location of their instructor, his voice had come across a lot less intimidating than he had liked, he'd never been good with confrontation and with a sigh he looked down at the ground and backed down. His head raised once more when he heard the instructor's voice, he turned to look at them and was a little disappointed to hear the almost praise like words she spoke. Is that what positive behaviour is considered to be in the military police? He found himself wondering. Then Shuya saw that the commander had stopped in front of him and Rayen. Instinctively he snapped to attention fist over his chest. "Ma'am! This is cadet Rayen," He announced loudly as he extended an arm across in front of her body to indicate who he was talking about even though it was abundantly clear. "She is from the Karanese district within wall Rose! And when she was eleven she" For a moment he paused, realising she hasn't finished herself, but he had already started and couldn't just end it there, he would have to make something up. Almost instantly he had an idea and decided to roll with it, in the same loud and clear tone he finished the sentence. "Realised that the military police was the ideal branch for her!" That sounded vaguely believable. "And since then she has never looked back!" He held his salute and glanced over to Rayen with a slight reassuring smile, knowing that he had provided her with the fact that she needed. "On a side note I think she and I are going to be good friends!"