The forest was so vibrant at night. She could see all the leaves, animals even the little precipitation forming on the grass blades for the morning. Though Margaret didn’t like it at all, it made her head throb and her body dizzy. [i]‘Oh wait…no I liked to be called Maggie. Momma called me that.’[/i] Another sharp pain filled her head at remembering that basic detail about herself; she bent over her sitting position on the large rock and clutched her head. Dexter called her Margaret when she first rose out of the ground that fateful night, claiming that it was on her driver’s license in her purse. That was three days ago, and the memories had gradually started to come back to her. That night was a Thursday, it said so on her cell phone and that meant it was now Saturday. It was hard to keep track of time when she was only up at night and her phone since died and Dexter’s place, an old shipping container didn’t have a clock or many windows. Strangely enough she accepted the fact that she was a vampire quite well. Dexter had told her right of the back that vampires were real and he was one and he’d just made her one. Maggie felt some sort of loyalty and almost love for him and respect from him trusting him completely. Of course her having no recollection of anything but her name, and that he was now her ‘father’ helped some but as the memories came back she grew to resent him, though she didn’t know why. Dexter had shown her some of the basics of being a vampire, retracting her fangs were one thing that scared her the most. He said that they were a natural part of her being and would come out at natural times. So far they had never come out involuntary she just arched her mouth and they’d pop out, the heightened senses was something she hadn’t quite gotten the hang of yet, hence the never ending pain in her entire head; mouth, ears, eyes and all. The speed though, was by far her favorite perk. She was like a bullet right on and never got tired, though she wasn’t nearly as fast as Dexter. Maybe running will soothe her migraine. She got up and speed across the meadow into the tree line only to stop and clutch her stomach in pain. This hunger was so intense and it never seemed to go away, it spread through her entire abdomen and into her limbs. That first night after Dexter brought her to the shipping container he…had a man there waiting. He showed her how to feed and retracted his fangs sinking them into the man’s neck. What happened next was completely out of her control and on instinct she retracted hers and latched onto the man’s wrist greedily sucking on his warm sweet tasting blood. But with his screaming and begging ringing in her sensitive ears she let go, realizing that if they kept going he would die. But Dexter never stopped, he kept going until the man grew limp and was actually mad that she stopped. After that Dexter left her to her own devices, stating that she wasn’t as wild and uncontrollable as most newborn vampires and didn’t have to watch her 24/7. So she began wondering in the woods at night. That same primal instinct would come over her now and again and Maggie would seek out the first living body she could find, usually a rabbit or squirrel and drain it completely of life their blood tasted like dirt but it held off the hunger, and she figured better them than an actual person. A rustling about ten feet away made her snap her head up towards its direction, her fangs popped down and the instinct took over again. Maggie took off towards it pouncing on top of it growling at the tiny squeal it made as she clutched it into her hands. She bit into the rabbit’s soft fur and drained it, dropping the corpse to the floor. She leaned up against a tree wiping her bloodied mouth on the sleeve of her filthy hoodie and looked at her wrist in confusion at the shiny metal band on it. All of a sudden the pain in her head is back, only this time never going away. She screamed in agony it felt as her head was splitting open. For a moment she thought she was going to die, but then the pain stopped. She paused breathing heavily thinking it was over when all of her memories came bursting back into her mind, who she was, where she was from, her family, Dexter, “Dexter…” She uttered in the darkness. [i]I was walking down West Maple Street with my friend Melony; we were sneaking out to go to this barn party at the Greggs family farm. Daddy will be so mad if he finds out but I don’t care! I’m too excited about seeing Jonah Gregg, god he is so cute and the most popular guy in school. I can’t believe he invited me personally! Mel and I were turning the corner about to head onto the dirt road to the farm when a loud banging startled us. We turned around to see a little black cat digging into a trashcan; we laughed and turned back around only to stop again at the sight before us. A young man is standing there grinning brightly at us. His hands are covered in blood and he’s got a blood soaked knife. Melony screamed and took off running back down the street leaving me alone with him, I closed my eyes expecting him to stab me but was shocked to see him running past me catching up to Melony wrapping his arms around her throat and midsection leaving her immobile. I want to run, I want to so badly but I pick up a heavy rock on the dirt road and start running towards the man bringing it down onto his head with a sickening crunch. I freeze when he doesn’t even flinch instead dropping Melony and turning around to face me with a look of curiosity. I drop the rock and continue the staring contest with the man looking him directly into his cold dead eyes. Melony has taken off already once again leaving me behind completely defenseless. He smiles that twisted smile again and purrs, “I guess it’s meant to be you then.”, and scoops me up over his shoulder taking off deep into the woods. He ignores my cries of protest as he slows his superhuman speed down to a walk completely unaffected by hits and threats even my attempts of getting free of him are futile, he was like a rock. We reach a clearing without much trees or vegetation and he finally stops and throws me to the roughly to the ground. Before I can register what’s happening he is on top of me looking deeply into my eyes. Cold realization at the fact that he may rape me brings tears to my eyes as I whimper in protest. He chuckles and moves the hair from my face almost tenderly, “Don’t worry. I think you’ll do just fine in my world.” Two sharp teeth jut out from his mouth as he sinks them into my throat. I’m so shocked I can’t even scream my mouth only opens in silent awe as the tears finally spill over. He’s drinking my blood…my fucking blood! Time goes by and he continues to suck though much of my blood has been spilled on the dirt, and I feel my body grow cold and stiff as my vision fades in and out. He stops and is breathing heavily as he raises up off of me looking almost scared himself. I can do nothing but lay there not able to feel my arms and legs anymore. He takes the knife in his hand and cuts into his own throat bringing my head towards it. I wince and weakly turn my head away but he directs it back ordering me his voice deep and husky, “Drink it now before it closes.” I start to turn my head again and he adds, “You’ll die if you don’t.” and forces my lips on his neck and I have no choice but to swallow or I’d choke. My world goes black.[/i] Maggie comes rushing out of the vision and to the present she’s still on the forest floor, the rabbit corpse near her feet. She begins to hyperventilate and panic at all she’s just remembered. Tears flowing to her eyes at the realization that Dexter took her from her life and turned her into a bloodsucking beast against her will. She began to sob at the memory of her mother and father especially her older brother who was returning home from college today. Above all things she is furious, she screams and runs around the forest in a mad rage ,draining two more rabbits in cold blood lust not even caring that the blood sprayed all over her body. She needed to know why he did it. She dropped the second rabbit feeling somewhat restored of energy as she took off at full speed to the shipping container. Her enhanced vision allowed her to see him from a full mile away as he was standing outside of the container as if he were waiting for her. She sprinted right up to him looking at him dead in the eye in rage trying her best to speak clearly with her fangs still out, “I remember [b]everything.[/b] Why did you do this to me?” she asked her voice cracking some as the tears flooded back.