Name: Sheren "L'Arc" Thornside Age: 22 Height: 5'6" Appearance: [img=] Personality: Hard headed, stubborn, but loyal. Equipment: Basic armor and a battle ax. History: Sheren is stubborn and doesn't like help. She prefers to do everything on her own and do it better than anyone else. She grew up with several brothers, so she put herself through vigorous training to become the best knight her family has seen and to prove herself to her father. Her own weakness is her stubbornness, but with the help of her best friend and rival she can overcome that weakness and become a true knight worthy of her fathers praise. She also grew up in a small town where she became best friend Kayli, who pushes and challenges her to do better. Paired with: Kayli Morson (Sheikarah) Emotional bond description: They are best friends but rivals at the same time, competing with each other very often. Artifact: The artifact - The sword of Charlemagne Description: [img][/img]