Weird thing to point out, but I like the names(except Jin... not to say I dislike it, it's just not one of them that I mean to point out). They're futuristic sounding, if you know what I mean. I think I should throw in a gender section to the CS, because I can't actually tell if Arius is supposed to be male or female. EDIT cause Malm ninja'd me. Not something I'd considered. I'm going to go with: yes, it would still deal damage. Because the thing you're attacking is intangible anyway. On that subject, I feel I should clarify what aura damage does: In a general sense, it makes the victim feel weak and ill. And in addition to that, attacking the aura in the extremities can cause local paralysis after repeated strikes. The main advantages are that it ignores armor and relative strength between combatants, and doesn't require as forceful of strikes(so it doesn't tire your body out as fast).