Walking down the streets, Zachary wasn't exactly the most intimidating of people. Sure, he had a reasonable build, but he didn't exert an air of confidence in his strength when he walked. Combined with the large bag stuffed with food, these factors made him a target to opportunistic muggers. As such today one such person stalked him down the streets as Zachary departed from the military-occupied plaza, taking cover behind rubble and in shadows. As Zachary did not possess elite skills in perception, while the mugger did posses skill in stealth, it was not long before he had come up behind Zachary and attempted to lodge a dagger between his shoulder-blades. Instead of plunging into his back as the thief had expected, it bounced off a rippling layer of solidified air. The thief cursed at his misfortune, and Zachary spun around in reaction to the push he had received. Quickly he used his powers to yank the dagger out of his assailant's hand and caught it in his own. Kaa'is' voice resounded in his head. [b][i]You have him at your mercy. Kill him now![/i][/b] Zachary to a step back in bewilderment, as the thief saw he was outmatched and turned to flee. "What? No!" Zachary replied out loud. [b][i]If you shan't then I'll do it for you.[/i][/b] Zachary found that he was pulled forwards by the dagger he held, and he stumbled towards his running assailant and the blade plunged itself into the thief's right shoulder. While Zachary stood there in shock, the dagger pulled itself out of the wound it had made, twisting the thief around as it did so, and stabbed the thief in the chest. Only then did Zachary regain himself enough to let go of the dagger's hilt. He stared at his hand, splattered with blood, in disgust and then at the dying man before him. The thief was no more than 20 years of age, looked undernourished and much like an average person trying to etch out a living in this urban wasteland, save for the two wounds and copious amounts of blood. "I... I killed him," Zachary stammered, unable to quite come to grips with himself. A wave of anger came over him as he realised, "[i]You[/i] killed him!" [b][i]No, [/i]we[i] killed him,[/i][/b] Kaa'is corrected, [b][i]Although he's not quite dead yet.[/i][/b] Zachary watched, unable to peel his eyes from the scene, as the man grew pale. Suddenly he found himself inhaling deeply and felt a strange strength rush into him. This was the man's spirit, although Zachary did not know that. [b][i]Now he's dead. As I was saying, with my power and your body we killed him together.[/i][/b] Had Zachary's thoughts not been clouded by the emotions of the situation he would have seen that Kaa'is was intentionally trying to get a response out of him. "I had no part in this! It was you who did it! You who moved the knife!" Zachary cried. [b][i]But we are intertwined, Zachary, ever since our binding a year ago. We are not as distinct as you think. Onikages corrupt those who they possess. Who are you to say that you did not wish to kill him too, subconsciously? Besides, the blood is on your hands. There is no turning away from it now.[/i][/b] Zachary just stood there, shell-shocked, while Kaa'is laughed at the misery he had given his host and victim. [b][i]We had best get going. You wouldn't want to encounter another thief, now, would you?[/i][/b] Speechless, Zachary finally turned from the bloodied corpse in front of him and continued his walk home.