[quote=Jig] So, which characters are combat-trained? I'm guessing Daniel, Javier, Lexi and probably Alexander are at least acquainted with handguns and the basic principles of not getting curb-stomped, while Nathan and Stuart have nothing at all.I'd certainly be interested to see Stuart ending up with some combat training, as somebody perhaps more likely than Nathan (who may obviously also come along for the ride if Lambda so wishes) to be involved in on-the-ground type stuff. Then again, either or both of them might well be 'mission control', if you like, providing information and strategy to the team remotely. In my head, Stuart was going to be involved in some on-the-ground espionage and, basically, hustling, with Lexi, though that seems unlikely given that he has been at least mildly high-profile in a Western country, so his face may be easily recognised - unless we can hand-wave that by having the BUC pull some strings to make that online information about him mysteriously disappear (something I'd quite like, personally, as it would free him up for more possible roles, though it's obviously up to you, Rax). If so, that's my next post sorted.Incidentally, I did tweak Stuart a little prior to the IC but didn't bother mentioning it even slightly so he didn't make it to the character list in his current form. He's basically the same but more clearly laid-out and a little bit more of a tit. I should probably give him at least one redeeming feature but I might wait, if that's okay, until the idea springs to me in a context where I can mention it to bring it up.Either way, the new sheet is here if anybody wants to check it out and if Rax wants to edit it into the character list. And, no, I can't get that penultimate bullet point to work. It really doesn't want to. [/quote] [quote=Lambda] I've never seen Nathan as an on-the-ground character, support and interrogation would suit him. [/quote] Everyone who does not already have will soon be trained in basic combat. The three I singled out IC will be a more specially trained group, at least to start off. I may change it later. For Stuart and Nathan specifically I was going to assign them for suspect investigation and interrogation, and will probably be placed in under cover roles for infiltration purposes. [quote=Jig] So I was bored and just wrote it. I know I took some liberties so if you want me to edit/change/remove/whatever, holla.Feel free to use Alice as an all-purpose NPC, btw. Just make sure she's awesome.Everyone else: obviously there might be a bit of a question mark hovering over Stuart atm, so when Rax gives us the all clear that I haven't ruined his plot and broken the first (and second) rules of BUC club, feel free to be approaching Stuart and asking him what just happened. [/quote] I like this flair you're bringing in. Your post is good, as far as Alice is concerned we can say she had prior clearance from Smith. Generally though, other staff cannot access that floor without prior permission or escort.