Nora gazed at the woman as she promised to help. To get to Evie and stop whoever was doing this. Despite the Doctor's earlier odd mannerisms, and the fact that she suspected the other woman was at least a little bit out of her mind, right now she was completely serious and seemed completely capable. Nora looked her up and down once before nodding, taking a bit of a leap of faith. She decided to trust this alien woman, this Doctor. Who else could stand a chance against these other aliens, after all? When the TARDIS had lurched it had sent an unsuspecting Nora falling against a railing. She caught herself against it before toppling all the way to the floor, and winced through the pain she had received from the force of the lurch. "What's happening?" she called to the Doctor after hearing the other woman mentioned the word terrible, but was cut off by the ear splitting screech erupting from the control panel. Nora's face contorted as it pounded against her ears, and she could barely make out what the Doctor was saying. But she managed to piece the words together. A block away from St. Mary's, but the TARDIS wouldn't make it the rest of the way. "We'll have to go on foot the rest of the way," Nora shouted, turning and heading for the doors. Once they were open and she was outside she felt herself pause as she looked around. They had moved. The Doctor said that they had but seeing it for herself was something of a shock. She looked back inside to where the control panel was throwing a fit and made a bit of a face. "Do you have a licence to fly this thing, or something?" She turned around, looking up and down the street as though finding her footing and then nodded in the right direction. "The church is that way. There's a hotel right across the road from it where the reception and dinner is going to be held. Mum and Evie should be in one of those places, come on." She started running down the sidewalk, barely glancing behind her to see if the Doctor was following.