[b]Name:[/b] Hoshino, Toby [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Class:[/b] 2-3 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Pic][img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/45/d4/b9/45d4b911df04018c656e800a99332fb7.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Toby is an odd nut in the tree. He thoroughly believes that everything in life has a soul, and goes as far as to address things as though they could hear and respond back. He is a genuinely kind-hearted and caring individual especially when it comes to 'souls' who help him in his daily life. Many could consider this an odd form of worship. [b]Biography:[/b] Toby's parents were far from rich while they were alive. His father served in the army as a Drill Sergeant, his mother was an American who spent her life to fulfill the dream of coming to Japan. The fateful day his mother came to the Asian country, she collided with Mister Hoshino in the airport as he arrived for a transfer closer to his home town. The two became familiar almost instantly and soon a beautiful relationship as well as Toby was born. His mother, still American in origin decided that rather than deprive her new child of his heritage that she would give him an American name to symbolize the union of Japanese and American that had blessed her with such a happy life, her new husband agreed.Life was good for the three until Toby's father died when he was 13, killed in an accident involving live grenade training. His mother died of heart failure not long after, though many said she simply could not get over the loss of her husband. Even with the hardships of living alone he was well taken care of by his uncle who owned a large company in the Americas. He was provided rent money and a monthly stipend to spend on food, and other activities that may spark his interest on the request that he went to the school of his uncles choosing. Regardless of having the money to take care of himself, Toby works part time at a pawn shop nearby his house where he had the oddest encounter with a broken jukebox. Simply talking to it as though it were a person while polishing it managed to fix the supposedly worn out music box. Ever sense Toby has treated every object in the world with the up-most respect believing that if you treat an objects soul with the care and respect it deserves it will in turn provide you with a small miracle. edit: god my English sucked there had to fix a few things, sleepiness and writing don't mix kids.