--- [b]Name:[/b] Amjad Zulqarnain [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/Tn1tgtb.png]Apprentice Investigator & Creator of Mystic Items[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Initially Amjad comes across as an uncaring lad with little qualms in voicing his thoughts on a matter, with no regard to how appropriate those thoughts really are. Sometimes this aspect of him can actually be pretty useful, kick-starting a stagnant thought process or offering a perspective on a matter that was not considered before hand. Most of the time it's just weird and/or annoying. Unfortunately, things like jokes and metaphors more often than not go over him the first few times until he finally 'grasps' what they mean, in which case he'll probably find them unfunny or silly. On top of this, Amjad actually has a difficult time telegraphing and identifying his own emotions, all of it being tell tale signs of some degree of Alexithymia. While this would undoubtedly be the clinical conclusion, the source of this personality disorder is linked to his practice of Severing magic and an overuse of it while learning his magecraft. When it comes down to it, Amjad is a very logical person who excludes emotions when it comes to making decisions - although not due to his lack of trying. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that his magic affinity and his dedication to his craft have ruined him on some levels. But you could also see how similar things are inevitable for most mages, they operate on a different wavelength than most and Amjad just happened to tune into it earlier. Despite all of this, he's eager to try and please others in the face of his...quirks. [b]Abilities:[/b] Amjad's affinity is the idea of 'Binding'. This Affinity lends its self to Amjad's craft as a 'mystic artisan', a creator of objects and items with magic endowments. Most of Amjad's spells revolve around this craft, with little application beyond it other than the odd exception. Amjad has spent years refining his bloodline magic, using 'Severing' in tandem with his Binding affinity. While Severing is not his affinity, it is the only other area of magic he has invested significant amounts of time into, and the one which makes the most sense to study outside of Binding. There are many ways for Amjad to go about casting his spells, some more effective than others, but common aspects of his spell-casting are gratuitous amounts of spoken words, symbol drawing and alchemy. The average ritual for Amjad takes about about an hour, with fifteen minutes being a 'quick' spell. Evidently, the more 'powerful' an item is, the more time consuming and difficult it is to actually cast the appropriate spell. As a result of his craft Amjad has a very keen eye for details, as well as being a skilled metalsmith, calligrapher and alchemist who has a large selection of languages at his disposal (something which also plays a large part in his spell-casting), both written and spoken. The affinity of Binding also gives Amjad some skills in spells falling under the parameters of 'Illusion'. With Amjad's abilities he certainly isn't fit for anything like direct combat, but he has been shown to be incredibly astute for his age - a lot of potential for an apprentice investigator. [b]Weapons/Equipment:[/b] Engraving tools, a variety of hammers and alchemy kits, a curved knife. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] What if one day a kid came to your office, looking for some sort of apprenticeship in investigation work and then claiming he was part of a bloodline of magicians going back as far as when the Fertile Crescent was still a thing? Well, that's pretty much exactly what happened with Amjad. The bloodline of which Amjad is part of actually has no real 'name' as such, and so they were given the title Mār Ummiānu; artisan in Akkadian. The title persevered as did the bloodline through their trade and secrecy. Mystic artisans were far more of a presence during that era of ancient history but their work was always impressive, usually employed in the services of a monarch of some kind. It is in the past millennia that the old ways of mystic artisans, Mār Ummiānu included, began to die out. Amjad carries ancient secrets of the craft in his blood, but his mana reserves are average at best. The Mār Ummiānu bloodline has become so old and stagnant it reached the point of steady degeneracy in its mana quality. Amjad is highly secretive of his origins and how he came to learn the Mār Ummiānu crafting magic, but his young age implies there could be more than one of them out there - somewhere. As for why he's in Japan of all places? Amjad, in his eyes, has a very simple goal in premise; He wishes to create a legendary item, something that will go down in history alongside the likes of Excalibur, Kavacha, Ascalon and so on. He believes that Japan is the place to find the correct ingredients, and investigation work is the way to find them. There's an issue with this story he tells, though; he seems unsure specifically what he's actually looking for in Japan. This just begs the question - what is he really there for that requires such a flimsy cover? [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Makes a damn good coffee. Has a decent enough understanding of electronics to fix basic household appliances. Can actually bind ghosts and other incorporeal creatures to objects. His surname is a cover, as not to rouse any unwanted attention. tl;dr mystic code crafting weirdo[/i]