I'ma put this here so I don't have to keep looking it up in the PMs :P Name: Seishu Race: Nightmare Guardian Age: Timeless Height: 6' 5” Weight: Wouldn't you like to know Hair: Strait ankle length white with a very faint curl at the bottom. The bangs are only slightly shorter than the rest of the hair and is parted on the right. Eyes: Striking silver that glow darkly when angered. Skin: Pale white that almost seems to glow in moonlight. Build: Very slender but not gangly. Very faint muscle tone on the arms, legs, and stomach, but not so much that it detracts from his sleight build. Clothes: Old Gothic style soft leather armor with shoulders that arch up into points and have a shingled look across the torso. Attaches to the back of the shoulders is a long cape with a ragged bottom which seems to move of it's own accord due to the cape's light nature. Legs are encased in tight thick but supple fabric down to the ankles, and when his boots are off the pants extend a bit over the top of the foot, coming to a point. Knee high leather boots that match the upper armor are worn for the battle, but he prefers to be barefoot. Underneath the armor he wears a tight top that is made of the same fabric as the pants and end in similar points on the backs of the hands. The collar of the top cuts down in a 'V' to just above his navel. The top also has faint embroidered designs on it but they are hard to discern unless you look close because they match the color of the rest of his entire ensemble: Black. Accessories: In each ear he wears an dangly silver earring with a tiny silver dagger at the end with a sapphire in the hilt. On the shell of his left ear he also has an ear cuff inlaid with a sapphire that matches the ones in the daggers. On the back of his right hand, under the point of his top, is the Yin half of the Chinese symbol for balance, and the sign of his office as the Guardian of Nightmares. Powers/Skills(If Applicable): By feeding off of the fear created by people's nightmares he has the ability to bring such things to life as well as cloak himself in general fears that most humans have which repels them when he needs them to go away. Most nightmares he brings to life vanish soon after being summoned, but those with a long history or a very strong presence will linger. He abhors walking so after years of building up the energy, he's created a permanent cloak of the fear of falling around himself so that he never really has to set foot on the ground. In battle he uses a rapier which he soaks in negative emotions so that even if a strike misses it will often paralyze his opponent with fear. General Personality: Many beings see Seishu as lazy or at the least constantly bored. In truth he is simply very comfortable with the way things are and the venom has gone out of his voice and actions when dealing the the Dream Realm. He is content with what he has and has accomplished. The only thing that really get a rise out of him these days is the Dream Guardian himself. Little love has been lost between them over the years, and it still irritates him to no end the way the guy sees him as some sort of evil being or something like that. He has a great fondness for his subjects but has little patience when it comes to open obstinance. Background: Seishu was born to be what he is today, and he has not disappointed. The powers that be created the Dream and Nightmare realms long ago to help humans manage their lives and at first Seishu was very into spreading his Nightmares as far and as fast as he could. He supposes this is what gave the Dream Guardian the terrible impression of Seishu that he still seems to hold to this day. However, some time after the dark ages Seishu came to realize just what role nightmares play in people's lives and became more moderate with his actions, thinking out his missions more carefully before implementing them. While each being needs the occasional Nightmare to keep the balance, he would pay more attention to the people whom Nightmares would benefit. Such as those who need professional help because of some trauma in their past, or those who would die alone if they were not scared into seeking out friends and/or family. He also grew a vindictive streak for those who caused their fellow human beings pain and made particularly evil people his special little projects. Extra: Seishu sees the life some nightmares begin to have, and for some takes pity on them. When someone overcomes a deep seated fear, the nightmares die, and when this happens, so too do the creatures in them(Should the Nightmare be of some creature or another). So instead of letting them all die off, he tries his best to rescue them and bring them to live in the Nightmare Realm where they live on peacefully now that they are no longer connected to the human they were born from.