Something I wanted to highlight from my chat with Enalais: [quote=Embluss] I don't really want national rivalries from earth to become a driver, so I'll likely have this fleet launched from NATO nations only. Majority American, but this opens up the opportunity to have some small cultural differences. Frankly they'll all have similar cultures- at launch. But these crews have spent over a decade together, every day, in really close quarters. Each ship has a strong community on board. They've been awake the whole time. The know each other and their leaders well. A lot of what direction your ship goes will be defined by what kind of person you make your captain." [/quote] [quote=AegonVI] Ooh. Gimme that planet that I can terraform(;Haha, JK. I'll have to see where things go. Have you considered a Jupiter+ sized planet with semi-habitable Mars-like moon(s)?? [/quote] Definitely has crossed my mind. A Jovian-style planetary system would provide a nice little sub-neighborhood- in much the same way that the habitable planet would be a hub for one group of players, I can definitely see others settling on many of the moons and getting a lot of interactions going there.