Nixon looked over Zzyxx carefully before cocking his head slightly. His righthand was useful for these reports and updates, especially while Nixon was busy with some of the prisoners, but the news made him interested. A vampire group would make sense to what was generally happening in the town. Of course while Nixon would happily announce himself as this successful there were several planned kidnaps that went awry because that person was simply no longer there. A nest trying to get new members would certainly add up. "We may need to inform them of our standing business here," Nixon muttered, his back leaned back against the wall and his head looking up at the ceiling. "They'll cause enough problems for us, not to mention the hunters they'll probably draw." The vampire blinked down the hallway and waved to his demon friend. "Come on then Dean, we shouldn't be burning...stuff. Actually burning stuff would be fun, and that should be the school when we're done." Nixon gave a grin and started running out of the school. ----- Rand gave a happy wave over at Jess as she pulled up. "Good seeing you Jess, and I'm glad you remembered the debt," he chirped, not mentioning that he already forgot about it. Connor gave a steady wave at the huntress and continued setting equipment up. Rand gave a quick glance over at Connor then looked back at Jess. "Right, so I know I hardly said anything over the phone but I'm almost sure that we have supernatural in this town somewhere who're causing the lovely townspeople to go missing. From what I've seen this building might be home to an angry spirit who was made around 1830, or it's a nice place to set up our stuff to stay at for the next few days until we figure out what's happening." Connor looked over all the equipment he had set up then gave a glare at Rand, who replied with a simple shrug. "Sorry," Rand apologized. "But it's nice for you to do it twice ya know? It makes you all the better at it!" Surveying the building once more, Rand looked back over at Jess. "Right, usually I would be a gentleman and allow ladies first but..." The hunter gave a hard kick on the door, smashing it in. "No one in here, it's just an old rusted building," Rand said as he walked in. "Doesn't look like anyone's been here for years, or that an angry spirit is residing here. You guys coming?"