Ash's face grew red as Ultramax just told that girl about his association and identified the target as friendly. "NO! NO! NO! Bad robot! You are not supposed to divulge this highly secret and fun stuff to a girl! How did you get in the secret cl-" Then Ultramax spoke like some female from an advertisement, "You've been infected! How!? You are a robot, but you sound like a girl! They who are known for having that contagion!" Ash feel down to his knees as he threw both of his hands to the sky, "No! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to Hell! ... I was hoping for manly adventures with explosions, and chainsaws, and maybe like dinosaur robots! And exploding dinosaur robots who have chainsaw wielding clowns on them! But noooooo!" Ash stated with a huff. He grumbled a bit as he got into the Van proper, "Co-ordinated are set. I need to ride..." He stated with a clearly dissatisfied tone.