Well... There are some awesome role-players here. Name: 'Maria Scott' or just 'Scott' Picture: http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2040473 Age: 16 Gender: F Mental Gender: F Personality: Typical preppy, popular girl. Though she hasn't seen any survivors, she is a very chatty girl. Her history of sexual abuse, as well as seeing people being eaten alive has left her mentally broken. Just a bit. Base: A small crook within the sewers small enough that the infected can't easily get in, in one piece. Bio: For the first few weeks, her and her mother had lived in their basement, but were running out of food, it didn't take long after they stepped outside that her mother was eaten alive by a horde in the middle of scavenging a grocery store. Scott escaped the horde by going into the sewer. She found the perfect (Well it's perfect in her mind) place to be somewhat safe from the infected, occasionally leaving for food and clean water. Relationship status: Doesn't care. Crush?: Not interested. Sexual Oreintation: Too scared to even think about it. Appereance: Dark chocolate hair, blue eyes, has army pants, tank top and leather jacket to sorta prevent the infected bites. Extra: Was into dance, gymnastics and cheerleading, so is extremely flexible and agile. Not very strong though. Don't hit on her, unless you want to die.