whats wrong with free. most players in free can write alot if they can imagine it. also free will pick up the pace faster. Picture(If Any): [img= http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.607994045933358096&pid=15.1&P=0] Name: Doc. Charles Richardson Age: 38 Gender: Male Mental Gender ( If you know what i mean, i want everyone to play anyone the would want): Male Personality: a mean harsh man of very few words, calm, solitary, drinker, dark, creepy, "insane", over powering, intelligent, stubborn, aragont, gambler. Base(do you have one?/describe): indeed, he lives and works at the hospital, its dangerous but safe to a point. safe as the infected have gone and left and dangerous as they will want whats his. Bio: a man of multiple personality's he was never know as a nice guy, he was often seen during childhood ripping wings off live flys and the legs off spiders. the full suit is seen as a sign of his wealth and a way of him saying he is better than the rest of you. parents died at a young age in mysterious circumstances, he was interviewed and showed signs of smiling at the funeral, he was taken down to a physic unit for tests on insanity. we dont know the verdict as yet again the doctor died in mysterious curamstances. he was spat out from all this into a world where rules are bent and people change for better or worse. Relationship status: physical alone but allays accompanied by the voices of insanity in his head Crush?: Delilah Lockwood Sexual Oreintation: Straight but has a thing for dead body's. Appereance: see the picture Extra: