[quote=supertinyking] He does follow. "You almost destroyed a powerful weapon against him...." The creature chuckles, wickedly. [/quote] "Hmm..." Mandy thinks. "True. It is possible in my rage I overlooked that she could be useful... Though, to be perfectly fair, she did get into my collection, and helped Him steal possibly one of the most unique items in my possession..." Mandy looks forward during this entire talk, and lays her hand on a panel when they come to a door, a light illuminating briefly before the door opens and she steps through. "And to be clear... nobody... gets into my collection." ------------------- In the Genesis Devourer, in the very room where the woman/creature/whatever guided the gargantuan beast, a figure appears. The beast, for with the pure Evil emanating from it there is no possible way it could be anything but so, cleared it's throat. Though instead of a hand it held a claw to it's mouth, and along with it's skin it's suit was red, with a white, fluffy collar, and it had a curled beard. It wore black sunglasses, which currently were moved up into it's short black hair, showing it to have red irises with green sclera. Any attempt made to remove the creature, to relocate it, even to kill it... was met with an extreme force that kept it from doing so. As if, by sheer force of will, the creature was keeping itself from being dealt with until it was finally given what it wanted, which was to talk to the person controlling the Genesis Devourer.