Jayce sat with a mug of ale in each hand. The commotion around the guild was starting to settle down as everyone became too inebriated to keep talking; and Jayce was no exception. Tipping his head back, he chugged the rest of the ale. His throat tingled and cooled as it quickly gushed through his mouth. The men who had approached him and Columba were sitting at the bar, jeering at each other. Looking at them made him furious. It wasn't like him to get so protective over a spirit, but the way they were looking at her made him want to rip them apart. Before he could act on his violent thoughts, Kalar approached him with another young mage that he didn't recognize. He was a small child, barely even taller than the table they were sitting at. "Hey there little man, what's your name?" Jayce flashed him a smile, which quickly turned into a frown when Kalar made a remark about him being a moron. He pressed his fist against the top of Kalar's head, ruffling up his hair while making sure to grind his knuckles into the Ice Mage's scalp. "Aw, well aren't you just full of love today Kalar?" Placing his hands back on the table, he nodded to the kid. He was waiting for the young mage to respond to Kalar's question. In the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of one of his friends sitting at a rather crowded table. "Yo, Sunshine! Don't be so rude, come over here and meet the new guy!" He taunted Amelia in a mocking tone, interrupting her little food challenge with the other guild members. He should have known that most of the ruckus would have been caused by her.