Another shameless bump, but I come with character sheets! I apologize in advance if the formatting is initially weird, I'm still figuring them out. :/ --- [b]Masters[/b] [list] [*]Name: What is your name![/*] [*]Age: How old are you![/*] [*]Gender: Are you male, female, both, or something entirely different~?[/*] [*]Nationality: Where do you come from?[/*] [*]Race: Are you even human?! O.O[/*] [*]Height/Weight: Get on that scale and tell me now![/*] [*]Appearance: We do need to know what you look like after all~[/*] [*]Personality: Well… Like, are you calm, laid-back, or are you hyper? How do you normally act in public?[/*] [*]Weapon: What’s your choice of weapons?[/*] [*]Abilities: Tell me what you can do![/*] [*]History/Background: Make this part very brief and generalized! I want you to reveal your character’s history more IN the RP, rather than OUT of it. Do PM it to me so I can keep a record of it however![/*] [*]Assets: What do you have access to?[/*] [/list] --- [b]Servants[/b] [list] [*]Class:[/*] [*]Master: -If applicable-[/*] [*]Alias: Come up with a clever title for your hero that isn't revealing, however, you will still need to PM me their true name so I can have a record![/*] [*]Gender: Obvious![/*] [*]Height/ Weight: Just a generalization is all.[/*] [*]Alignment: Are they good, neutral, chaotic, etc.[/*] [*]True Appearance: What is their battle outfit?.[/*] [*]Outfits: What do they normally wear in public?[/*] [*]Personality: Keep it brief! Show who they are in the RP, rather than tell~[/*] [*]Stats: (From E to A+, E being the worst, A+ being the highest)[/*] [*][indent]Strength: Physical prowess.[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Endurance: Ability to take hits.[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Agility: Speed and flexibility.[/indent] [/*] [*][indent]Magical Energy: One's reservoir of magical energy.[/indent][/*] [*][indent]Luck: Well... just how lucky is your character?[/indent][/*] [*]Class Abilities: From E to A+, a single Servant will clearly not have all of these! Also how strong these abilities will be depends on the individual Servant that is summoned. These are the Skills your Servant gets depending on the class they were summoned into. Here's a [url=]list[/url], under Class Skills. See the previous post above for the Class Skills of the new Classes. For the designated Class Skills for each Servant Class, click on one of the following based upon what Servant class you're interested in: [url=]Saber[/url], [url=]Lancer[/url], [url=]Archer[/url], [url=]Rider[/url], [url=]Caster[/url], [url=]Assassin[/url], [url=]Berserker[/url]. As for the newer classes, please refer to the previous post above for their designated Class Skills and use your best judgment![/*] [*]Personal Skills: Special particular powers that depend on the Heroic Spirit's character. Basically, these are the individual perks that your character has by who they were in life. [url=]Click Here[/url] for a list of abilities and how they work. Feel free to make your own if you can't find what you like in the list~! I will be allowing a maximum of five personal skills, but be warned that the Servant must have a pretty good reason to have that many skills under their belt, and I will probably remove some to balance the Servants out.[/*] [*]Noble Phantasms: These are the weapons and powers that are unique to the Heroic Spirit alone! These are usually named and are very symbolic and relate heavily to their legends. These are the Servant's Ace in the hole and without a doubt their greatest possessions. For those curious and are struggling to make a Noble Phantasm, take a look at [url=]this page[/url] for a good idea. Also, for the sake of the RP and to make things easier for everyone, please don't have anything involving ‘absolute’. Like a weapon that will always hit, or will always strike the heart, or anything like that. This can ruin the fun of others and I'd like to avoid that as much as possible. Also, feel free to have this blank to the public, but PM me the Noble Phantasms, since I will definitely need a record of these.[/*] [/list] --- This spot shall be reserved for approved character sheets! --- And there's that! Sorry for the triple post X_X but I felt the need to post up Character Sheets in case people are interested. Besides, it does give me some room for reservation posts~!