...... I gotta say something. [hider=semi-passionate speech] Jangel, YOU, are not your character. YOU are a catalyst, a writer of your character. Putting YOURself into the shoes of YOUR character defeats the purpose. That just makes it a self insert. Characters don't always do things we agree with and that's [i]fine.[/i] Are you scared we'll think of YOU differently just because your character does something we don't agree with? My god man take a damn chance. Using words like 'We' or 'I' when talking about your characters is a toxic habit that forces you to look at the character like you would yourself and you're holding yourself back. Not to mention... it's not fair to the character. Let them be who they were meant to be. Do not write AS them but FOR them. Think of them as... well... your 'kids' in a way. I can't tell you how much I learn from my characters. Some are so much wiser than I or still have so much to learn but I'm proud of them because they are all my creations and I refuse to hold them back because 'I didn't agree with what they were doing or what they were meant to be.' You [i]chose[/i] to be the antagonistic force man, and damn it, you should take full advantage of it. [/hider] I could get all hell firey passionate about what it means to own a character and I held myself back here. Please don't take this as an attack, this is how I feel about what it means to own a character.