[hider=Arlius] Name: Arlius Lebravia Gender: Female Appearance: [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/114/1/9/turian_female_v2_by_alexee29-d7fsxze.png] Class: Tech Specialist Biography: Arlius grew up on a small colony on Palaven’s and lived with her poor family. Her family had one military issued computer and when her father was killed in battle, her family was out of options. They were living off what little money they could get together. Her mother was too busy caring for her younger siblings to return to the military. Arlius kept the computer even though it was no longer legally her families. She spent everyday on the computer. At age thirteen she was well endowed in computer programming. Arlius found odd jobs in computer programming that she completed to keep her family afloat. But it was not enough. Arlius started stealing from the rich and using the funds to support her family. She once stole from a rude primarch, she hid it as a tax and slowly drained his account over a period of time. She had about fifty people paying taxes to her family unaware. Eventually the military tracked down Arlius and her family, she admitted to all her crimes but quickly ran before she could be brought to justice. She began her journey of being a merch as she fled to Omega. Arlius knew she would not be as thoroughly searched for on Omega. Her computer programming skills were not as much needed on Omega. She began to invent new kinds of weapons. Arlius was able to invent a new more improved weapons with greater firepower and more thermal clips. She even invented one that locks onto their targets, but it need a heart monitor therefore it was never sold on the streets. Arlius was living life good until she was contacted by The Client with a job proposal. One that would push her tech skills to the limit, and how could she pass that up? Equipment: Her own white omni-tool. It has been built and upgraded all by Arlius. It is hard for anyone who is not as tech savvy to use because of the way it is designed which is why she has never made another. An extremely powerful pistol with a moderate amount of ammo. It is her own design and has only been given to merch leaders. It is white with blue detail and includes a silencer. Notable Achievements: Arlius is an expert, and self taught, hacker. She can bust through almost any firewall without a single drop of sweat. She has stolen large amounts of cash from many powerful and wealthy people. She is a fantastic programmer and spent many years programming military electronics. Arlius is also a fantastic inventor. She has a knack for weapons and loves to challenge herself with bigger and better designs. Arlius enjoyed many years of creating weapons for large merch gangs that of course she doesn’t reveal for safety precautions. Personality: Arlius is awkward and doesn’t enjoy talking. She has never been one to stand out in the crowd. Arlius likes to keep to herself and most people wouldn’t know that she even was a thief or that she supplied to merchs based off of her appearance or personality. She only fits in Omega because the merchs know her and are aware of her skills. She may not be too skilled with a weapon, but if her bullet hit you it wouldn’t even matter. [/hider]