Hey Zeb, I know you're busy, but if this roleplay hasn't started by September, I am not taking part in it. I am wary of waiting for you to get this system of yours sorted out. If you are going to be the moderator of the roleplay and you are taking this much time to complete a single (albeit complicated) task, I am certain that joining this roleplay will be massively dissatisfying and, overall, a waste of time. You have quite aptly shown us your ineptitude for moderating a roleplay merely by the total negligence you show towards this thread. Additionally, you have never given us a remotely accurate estimate for your absences. For example, you said you would post again last week, and still haven't. Additionally, in a previous post, you told us you would edit information in the initial post on this thread, and it has not changed. In summary, get a grip. Don't tell us you're "busy" if you will be fully incapable of contacting this website. Tell us that you will be incapable of contacting the website! It's not hard, just give it to us straight so we don't feel like we're waiting for Half Life 3 with each "I'll be back, and I'll fix this" post you give us. And if you're wrong about the length of one of your absences, take one to five minutes of your busy life to inform us about your "actual" absence. This roleplay has a lot of potential, so please, at least communicate with us every now and then.