Anderus felt pleasant life energy going trough him when Tessa healed his burn, the open wound with the scorched flesh and skin disappeared and new skin appeared where the wound used to be. Tessa's life energy was enormous, Anderus finally started to understand how much change Tessa could bring to this world and why it was important to protect her. After the healing, Anderus turned fully into a man, as up till now he remained in the half turned state. His companions finally could see his human face. Anderus was a tall and attractive young man at the age of 30, with dark eyes and skin colour and a muscular body. Anderus thanked Tessa for the healing and then started to lead the group through a barely visible forest trail, [b] "Friends, please follow me, the guards don't know this trail, they won't be able to follow us without getting stuck in the vegetation or falling into a pit!" [/b] he said to Tessa and Durus. After about quarter of an hour they arrived to a small cave in the forest, the cave was surrounded by wild vegetation from all sides and was completely invisible to the outside world. [b] "We can rest here for a while, the guards won't be able to find this place so quickly. Would you like me to hunt us something for lunch? " [/b] said Anderus to his companions. Inside the cave there was an improvised table made from few stones heaped one on top of another and an improvised bed that was nothing more then a pile of hay. It was obvious that Anderus used this site as a temporary dwelling place in the past.